Wednesday, August 8, 2018

U.S. Air Force Moves Towards Buying New Lighter And Versatile Attack Aircraft

An AT-6 aircraft preparing for takeoff from Holloman Air Force Base during the US Air Force Light Attack Experiment, a series of trials to determine the feasibility of using light aircraft in attack roles. US Air Force Photo by Ethan D. Wagner

Business Insider/ The Air Force has made its first move toward buying new, lighter, and more versatile attack aircraft

After years of discussion, the US Air Force has taken the initial steps to buy commercial, off-the-shelf aircraft for its light attack aircraft fleet.

The service is alerting defense firms hoping to compete for the Light Attack Aircraft program that it intends to begin soliciting bids in December, according to a presolicitation announcement posted on FedBizOpps on Friday.

"LAA will provide an affordable, non-developmental aircraft intended to operate globally in the types of Irregular Warfare environments that have characterized combat operations over the past 25 years," the post said. "A contract will be awarded in fourth quarter of [fiscal 2019]."

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WNU Editor: Unfortunately .... it is going to be a few years before these planes finally arrive .... USAF Reveals Timeline For Buying Light Attack Aircraft It Now Says It Needed Decades Ago (The Drive).


Andrew Jackson said...

electric-diesel submarines next ,please.

Dave Goldstein said...

A-10's are better.