Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why Is CNN Refusing To Correct A Trump News Story That Has Been Debunked And Refuted By Every Other News Agency?

Photo: YouTube/CNN

Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept: CNN, Credibly Accused of Lying to its Audience About a Key Claim in its Blockbuster Cohen Story, Refuses to Comment

CNN’s blockbuster July 26 story – that Michael Cohen intended to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that he was present when Donald Trump was told in advance about his son’s Trump Tower meeting with various Russians – includes a key statement about its sourcing that credible reporting now suggests was designed to have misled its audience. Yet CNN simply refuses to address the serious ethical and journalistic questions raised about its conduct.

The substance of the CNN story itself regarding Cohen – which made headline news all over all the world and which CNN hyped as a “bombshell” – has now been retracted by other news outlets that originally purported to “confirm” CNN’s story. That’s because the anonymous source for this confirmation, Cohen lawyer Lanny Davis, now admits that, in essence, his “confirmation” was false. As a result, both the Washington Post and the NY Post outed Davis as their anonymous source and then effectively retracted their stories “confirming” parts of CNN’s report.

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WNU Editor: The CNN story is here .... Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting (Jim Sciutto, Carl Bernstein and Marshall Cohen, CNN). The source for this CNN story has admitted that it is not true .... so why is CNN still sticking to their story? IMHO there are two reasons .... Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame is on the byline for this story, and CNN does not want to damage his reputation, but more importantly, CNN wants this story to be true. In short .... CNN is not interested in seeking the truth, they are more focused on convincing people on what they believe is the truth. And that in a nutshell is what is currently wrong with the U.S. main stream media when it comes to covering the news.


Mike Feldhake said...

They can do what ever, there is no law for lying anymore. CNN is using this story to help control the outcome of the fall elections. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Cnn is no longer a news network but aims to influence policy and aims to change the social fabric of today's America. While they have done so - just like Fox - with talking heads and opinion segments for a long time, they also push stories that fits their agenda and leave out those that don't. On top they're now caught lying. And one of their own - Donna Brazile- passed on townhall questions to Clinton, manipulating the election process and ignoring the value of people's vote.

CNN. Shut up and obey.

jimbrown said...

It's their one and only story so let them be.

The rest of CNN is talking about it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. CNN may have made a mistake and need to correct a story, and that get's the MAGA chuds all riled up about a how the MSM is destroying western civilization.

On the other hand, the President lies with every breath he takes and has filled his administration with dozens of grifters, liars, creeps, wife-beaters, traitors, felons and incompetent boobs. He's also broken just about every commandment, things like stealing, adultery and coveting thy neighbor's wife. And the rubes ignore all of it.

Makes sense?

Anonymous said...

yes. makes sense once you realize the puppets mumble the Great Truths of a liar, and that the GOP puppet-like follow their master around in his nutty ways

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself that. Good, boy. Obey. Good.

Anonymous said...

Stop agreeing with yourself. It gives people the creeps

Anonymous said...

They are all lying bastards.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Lapides has the same abilities as the old FBI/CIA leadership when it comes to opsec. To think he could have had a job.

fred said...

When you have to resort to name calling sans facts and information, YOU ARE BABYISH

Anonymous said...

Oh Lapides you have cut me to the quick. Won't you once relent with your razor sharp wit, wielded unmercifully in your lighting quick ripostes? As far as sans facts and information, I am only following the trail you yourself blazed so brilliantly.

fred said...

Sissy boy stuff

Anonymous said...

"Sissy boy stuff" Brilliant comeback. I stand in awe of the "Titan of Terminology". Those correspondence courses have certainly paid off for you, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

"Smith"! Are you seeing sock puppets? Do you think you're living on "Sesame Street"?

Anonymous said...

Haha zing

Anonymous said...

The porn website operator again thinking with his d*ck..
In a few moments he'll trash Trump and Republicans though from his mighty horse...go tell us, Fred, how can we be as perfect as you?

Roger Smith said...

Fred, I write using my name only and I stand behind what I write.
