Monday, September 17, 2018

A Chinese Company Will Now Operate Haifa Post Near Israel's Alleged Nuclear-Armed Submarines

Benjamin Netanyahu climbs out after a visit inside the Rahav, the fifth submarine in the fleet, after it arrived in Haifa port January 12, 2016\ REUTERS

Amos HArel, Haaretz: Analysis Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel

China will operate Haifa port, near Israel's alleged nuclear-armed submarines, and it seems no one in Israel thought about the strategic ramifications

Shaul Horev dropped a bombshell, but hardly anyone noticed. Horev, an Israel Defense Forces reservist brigadier general who has served, among other posts, as the navy chief of staff and chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, is currently director of the Research Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy at the University of Haifa. At the end of August, the center held a conference, to which participants from the United States were invited, to examine security issues relating to Israel and the Mediterranean region.

In an interview with the religious-Zionist media outlet Arutz Sheva, Prof. Horev noted that one topic that came up at the event was Chinese investments in Mediterranean ports, and in Israel in particular. Pointing out that a Chinese company will soon start operating Haifa Port, he said that Israel needs to create a mechanism that will examine Chinese investments to ensure that they do not put Israel’s security interests at risk.

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WNU Editor: It looks like a lot of people were asleep at the wheel in Israel when this decision was made.


Daniel said...

Asleep at the wheel? Well, maybe. It's quite possible, even probably, that they'll walk this back after this. The alternative is that Israelis are worried about the rise of pro-Palestinean sentiment in the US and want to hedge their bets a bit.

Anonymous said...

Not asleep. Wide awake and greasing their palms with Chinese cash. Look for a criminal investigation and the contract put on hold over illegalities.

Anon #87 said...

" Anonymous said...

Not asleep. Wide awake and greasing their palms with Chinese cash. Look for a criminal investigation and the contract put on hold over illegalities.

September 17, 2018 at 1:05 PM "

I wouldn't bet money against this.
China found the right people to bribe who could slip this through quick and slick.

Anonymous said...

I also think this was about $$$$$

Anonymous said...

ungodly men