Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Current And Former U.S. Secretary Of States Clash Over Iran

Politico: Pompeo, Kerry clash in remarkable stand-off over Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his predecessor John Kerry clashed Friday over the latter's private meetings with Iranian officials, a remarkable war of words that had both sides accusing the other of dishonesty.

Pompeo alleged that, by holding "beyond inappropriate" meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Kerry was undermining U.S. foreign policy in an "unprecedented" manner. The secretary's comments came after President Donald Trump asserted in a tweet that Kerry’s meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif were “illegal.”

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Previous Post: Is Former US Secretary Of State John Kerry Trying To Salvage The Iran Nuclear Deal Behind The Trump Administration's Back? (September 12, 2018).

WNU Editor: It is a given that former officials will state their opinion. To criticize and/or support a government foreign policy. But when you go out of your way to meet officials from a foreign government to discuss policy issues that your government is actively engaged with .... that is crossing one big red line. In this case .... former US Secretary of State Kerry has definitely crossed it. As for John Kerry, he is saying that he did nothing wrong .... Kerry: Nothing 'unusual' or 'inappropriate' about meeting with foreign contacts (The Hill). And for good measure, he has added the following .... Kerry: Trump should be worried about Manafort talking to Mueller, not me talking to Iranians (The Hill), as well as this .... John Kerry: Trump has ‘the insecurity of a teenage girl’ (The Hill).

More News On The Trump Administration's Response To Former U.S. Secretary Of State John Kerry's Meetings With Iranian Officials

The Latest: Pompeo blasts Kerry for Iran meetings -- AP
Pompeo blasts Kerry's Iran meetings as 'beyond inappropriate' -- CNN
Pompeo slams Kerry for 'actively undermining' US with Iran shadow diplomacy -- FOX News
Pompeo: John Kerry’s Iran meetings ‘unseemly and unprecedented’ -- Washington Examiner
Trump, Pompeo bash ex-Secretary of State John Kerry on Iran talks -- NBC


Rodger Ramster said...

Character Assassination is the primary weapon of the Democratic Party. Because they control 95% of the US media, it has been a remarkably effective weapon up to now. But Donald Trump is different from the career politicians who infest national politics. He is secure enough in himself that he refuses to bow to the Democratic Party character assassination machine despite the daily abuse he receives. Trump doesn't bow or apologize to the Democratic blame game, he retaliates. This courage is a refreshing change from the usual parasitic career politician in the US, such as John Kerry, and the Democratic Party is growing increasingly desperate. The future is uncertain and many forces are aligning against President Trump, but he has many supporters as well.

Bob Huntley said...

Rod. I have to agree in part.

Obama told the UN General Assembly that he had ordered the end of torture and the closure of the GITMO detention center. I have my doubts that torture has ended but he certainly caved on the closing of GITMO when he had the means to actually fulfill that boast. Had he been a little tiny bit more like Trump he would have done it.

Anonymous said...

Lori, did Reagan and the members of his NSC violate the Logan Act while conducting Iran-Contra?

"... He is secure enough in himself that he refuses to bow to the Democratic Party character assassination machine." Were you able to write this post with a straight face? If so, I am impressed.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1244

If you are going to tell a story (no a lie), then tell it right.

You left out the juicy part. That is the part where George Herbert Walker Bush flew in the belly of an SR-71.

Now, I expect a clown like yourself to believe such a lie.

who claimed to have flown Mr. Bush to Paris aboard an SR-71 Blackbird spy plane.

Anonymous said...

I like Bob. He is a real he-man. A warrior, a protector.

... who has not and will not do anything to combat Al Qaeda, ever.

Candle light vigils don't count.

Carl said...

Dear Anonymous,

GHW Bush may not have flown aboard an SR-71 to meet with the Iranians in 1980, but a few years later, his boys did sell them TOW anti-tank missiles.

For some insight into what really happened in 1980, you might want to read this:,


and this for starters:

Bob Huntley said...


....and your response is relevant to my comment how?

Anonymous said...


Your type is well known. Canada is effectively a safe space with water on 3 sides and a friendly country to the south. If it were not so, you would have neither the time nor luxury to spout your platitudes.

The lesson I take from your comments is turn over prisoners to another government instead of letting some wing wang Leftist hamstring you. If you are overseas, let your local allies take the surrender of Al Qaeda, ISIS and other people. You know people that Bob admires or feels sorry for.

Let your allies take the surrender, keep moving forward, and don't look back. Don't Ask, Don't Tell. What is wrong with that. The government has prosecuted soldiers for going after foreign men, who like boys, bacha bazi boys. So I guess the official policy is Don't ask, Don't tell.

GITMO is a headache anyway. It is a rallying cry for tards. Leftists make their fellow man bend over for jihadis. We have to let them go and then we have to fight them all over again in places like Ben Ghazi (Watch "13 Hours" Bob and try to catch that scene.). Next time we just turn them over immediately to the Northern Alliance, Pakistan, Afghanistan or whoever. No muss, no fuss.

There will be a time when people like you and people like me will not be joined at the hip. When foreign trouble comes, people won't yell fore. they'll just step aside and let tards meet reality. Of course they'll have lawn chairs and popcorn ready and will merely watch.

I've been away from family too long to let a self-entitled tard like yourself feel smug about your so called morality.

Anonymous said...


I have seen from time to time. They are a piss poor excuse for journalists.

TOWS to Iran. Oh my, what a shame.

You have 2 shitheads, Sadam & Khomeini, fighting it out, Both sides hate you and you want neither side to win and unbalance the region.

There is a problem here?

Meanwhile Kerry, Sanders and the other Democrats want to have Communist Daniel Ortega's baby. 40 years of evidence showing what a shyster Ortega is and then Demcorats still want to bear his babies.

Daniel Ortega Net Worth $50 Million

"In 1998, Daniel Ortega's adopted stepdaughter Zoilamérica Narváez alleged that Daniel Ortega had sexually abused her since she was 11 years old."

" could not proceed in Nicaraguan courts because Ortega had immunity to prosecution"

The Democrats backed Orega. The Republicans wisely did not.

Do you want to play double Jeopardy?