Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Podcast On Erik Prince Wanting A Private Air Force


Task & Purpose/War College: Podcast: Erik Prince Wants A Private Air Force

The man behind defunct mercenary provider Blackwater sees private air power as the key to winning the war in Afghanistan. A new report links Erik Prince to efforts to buy or build private gunships — the kind of weapon only the United States and a few other countries have at their disposal.

David Axe, who writes for the Daily Beast, joins us to discuss the results of his investigation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The link to the podcast is here .... Erik Prince Wants a Private Air Force.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is this motherfu#$r not in jail. His bulls#$t outfit of roided-up, alcoholic yahoos goes into Iraq, the Emirates and god only know where else and straight up murders people for looking at them funny and he walks around like the pope of sandwich town.

F#$k off already.