Saturday, September 8, 2018

Another Killer Quote From U.S. Defense Secretary Mattis

U.S. Defense Secretary Mattis. DoD

Zero Hedge: Mattis To Spicer: "I’ve Killed People For A Living. Call Me Again, I’m Going To F**king Send You To Afghanistan"

We previously chronicled a number of the more explosive of Washington Post editor Bob Woodward's strategically "leaked" excerpts from his upcoming book about the Trump administration earlier this week.

In response to the allegations, Trump unleashed a string of tweets Tuesday and Wednesday slamming the allegations as false and libelous. Woodward's book - titled "Fear" - includes a number of wild and seemingly tailor-made to fit the headlines type anecdotes.

But amidst some of the more bombshell claims currently driving national media attention are some hidden and "minor" nuggets which nevertheless reveal hilarious interactions between current and former administration officials and staffers.

Read more ....

Update: Mattis to Spicer: ‘I’ve killed people for a living. If you call me again, I’m going to f--king send you to Afghanistan’ (Military Times)

WNU Editor: Unlike all the other administration denials on what Bob Woodward published in his latest book. No one from the White House (both current and past members of the Trump team) are denying this quote.


fred said...

I am always amused at our reticence to spell out what is said in real discourse. Norman Mailer, in his WWII novel had soldiers say "fug" for"fuck." If a soldier shouts out Fuck, then quote it directly and honestly. To hint at the so-called dirty work with a "F..k" or asterisks is plain silly and so obvious. Women novelists refer to a man's dick as "penis," whereas male writers use the word "cock" though of late sometimes the entire unit referred to as his "junk," as though something to be tossed into the recycle bin as no longer usable.

Anonymous said...

College is supposed to give people a liberal education and make them well rounded.

Someone missed psychology classes.

fred said...

you get weaker and weaker in your need to stalk and belittle

Roger Smith said...


fred said...

Most here do not care for my politics and that is ok
But look who seems to side with my opposition!
Demeans your side

Anonymous said...

There is a reason somethings are taboo.

You would learn this in psych class.

Anonymous said...

incest seems ok for you

Anonymous said...

"incest seems ok for you"

That does not seem like a Fred comment. More like someone else.

Push comes to shove logs are good for 6 months to a year.

Anonymous said...

You know an awful lot about the male anatomy and its many nick names, Fred. Something on your mind? ^^

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:03PM > You know they keep logbooks.

Anonymous said...

Evidence Mounting of Trump Tower Collusion

Clinton is going to jail.
