Saturday, September 15, 2018

Anti-Putin Protests Are Being Led By The Young

WNU Editor: I have noticed this trend in the past two years. Russia's 16 - 25 years old are now 100% against Putin and the establishment that runs Russia, and are using the internet to mobilize .... Young Russians taking the lead in anti-Putin protests (AP). The last time I saw something like this where the young led the protest movement was the unrest in China in 1988-1989 that led to the Tiananmen Square massacre. And while I do not see such a violent crackdown happening in Russia, I do know that the Kremlin feels powerless to stop these current protests, and that using intimidation and the threat of arrests are no longer working as an effective deterrent.


Andrew Jackson said...

When young men get fired up and organize ,they can't be stopped!

Roger Smith said...

The Old Order passeth. Damn that internet.
This is quite something, methinks and I'm pleased that I should still be around to witness this. Like the fall of the Berlin Wall, who woulda thought?

Carl said...

"Russia's 16 - 25 years old are now 100% against Putin..." While I don't have your insight into the internal dynamic in Russia this is a physical impossibility. In any such group there are at least three divisions, opposition to the incumbent, support of the incumbent and those who don't care. Even if a large majority are opposed to Putin, there are still some in the other two groups. Also of significance will be that any opposition to Putin will be blown way out of proportion by the Western corporate news media, because that is their bias.

Daniel said...

100%?! Certainly there is some opposition among the young that may have increased considerably recently (they all have older relatives, after all), but on the whole that has not been my impression at all. Is it possible that this impression is based on your relatives in Moscow? Because Moscow is deeply atypical among Russian cities, not least in terms of opposition strength.