Saturday, September 15, 2018

Bob Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion

RCP: Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

In an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Friday, Bob Woodward said that in his two years of investigating for his new book, 'Fear,' he found no evidence of collusion or espionage between Trump and Russia. Woodward said he looked for it "hard" and yet turned up nothing.

"So let’s set aside the Comey firing, which as a Constitutional law professor, no one will ever persuade me can be obstruction. And Rod Rosenstein has laid out reasons why even if those weren’t the president’s reasons. Set aside the Comey firing. Did you, Bob Woodward, hear anything in your research in your interviews that sounded like espionage or collusion?" Hugh Hewitt asked Woodward.

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WNU Editor: Agreed.


Anonymous said...

Keep beatin' that dead horse, WNU. Your superiors in psyops have big plans for you and the rest of the crew.

Anonymous said...

In wargaming to simulate how fast things can happen they use the concept of supply points or command points.

For instance if you are playing a Battle of the Bulge simulation, just because you have gobs of panzers stacked up against 'OMG there are panzers' infantry does not mean you can use those panzers. You are out of supply or you HQ can only make so many decision for a given time period. In America the term political capital is used, misused, and abused.

Most often the term political capital come s up by TV talking heads, pundits, about politician X not doing Y, because he did not want to use Z amount of capital. There are the same type of idiots that on business shows talking about "profit taking in relation to stocks in knowing terms. So the asinine pundits talk about political capital, but they never talking about growing it. It is always to be used up as though it is some finite resource that once it is gone. It is gone forever.

Command and supply points are meant to simulate reality and to control the ebb and flow of the game. It is used a mechanic to simulate and explain why you cannot do everything at once.

The way I see Meuller is it is his job given to him by Democrats and Never Trumpers (some Republicans) is to tie down Trump.

To suck out all the oxygen in every meeting of Trump's day.

It is so Trump has to use all his political capital to stay out of jail or in office regardless if he is guilty or innocent.

He is innocent of Russian collusion, if that were a thing, but it does not matter.

This never was about Russia.

It was about command point/political capital/supply points and making Trump use them all up until he reached zero and cannot stay in office.

That makes MueLler a SON OF A BITCH!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1047

Your superiors have no plans for you except for to punch-in, troll, and maybe earn maybe 3 times minimum wage.

Mike Feldhake said...

This thread is FUNNY! LOL

Anonymous said...

What Woodward was doing is not what Mueller is doing

Anonymous said...

Is Mueller taking a make-work job? If there is a no collusion, then why is he sticking around?

Obviously there is an agenda outside of investigating so called Russian collusion.