Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dalai Lama Says 'Europe Belongs To Europeans'

Dalai Lama. © TT News Agency/AFP

France 24: Dalai Lama says 'Europe belongs to Europeans'

The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said Wednesday that "Europe belongs to the Europeans" and that refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them.

Speaking at a conference in Sweden's third-largest city of Malmo, home to a large immigrant population, the Dalai Lama -- who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 -- said Europe was "morally responsible" for helping "a refugee really facing danger against their life".

"Receive them, help them, educate them... but ultimately they should develop their own country," said the 83-year-old Tibetan who fled the capital Lhasa in fear of his life after China poured troops into the region to crush an uprising.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: No coverage of this story in North America.


Mike Feldhake said...

I get the need to care for refugees but common sense needs to sink in. You cannot indefinitely take on more and more refugees forever. European powers used to conquer these territories now they are getting run over by them! LOL

Daniel said...

The Dalai Lama is a white supremacist, I guess.

Daniel said...

P.S. That's not surprising, look, he's a skinhead!

fred said...

A rather silly statement, not unlike Gandhi saying that the Jews should have practiced passive resistance as they were taken to the gas chambers.

If Europe belongs to Europeans, then what are their descendants doing in Canada, U.S. and South America?

and who, in passing is presently in his home country?

Unknown said...

Good man

Unknown said...

Good man

Anonymous said...

" You cannot indefinitely take on more and more refugees forever. "

Yes, you can say the liberals

"We can do it!" - Der Dummkopf Merkel

There are so many people belonging to open borders crowd in the US. They are ignorant of statistics,logistics, and accounting.

They are also strangers to hard work.

They are liberals.

Anonymous said...

The Dalai Lama is almost a god to American cafeteria Buddhists.

What are those liberal punks going to bleat now?

Anonymous said...

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