Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Did President Trump Order His Defence Secretary To Assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad?

President Donald Trump with Defence Secretary James Mattis ( Reuters )

The Independent: Trump wanted Syria's Assad assassinated, Bob Woodward claims in extraordinary new book

White House accuses celebrated reporter of 'fabricated stories'

Donald Trump ordered his defence secretary to assassinate Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad and “kill the f****** lot of them” in the leader’s regime, in the wake of a chemical attack against civilians, according to a new book.

Defence secretary James Mattis is said to have told the president during a phone call he would “get right on it” before hanging up the phone and instead telling an aide: “We’re not going to do any of that. We’re going to be much more measured.” In the wake of the chemical attack in April 2017, the president’s national security team developed options that included the more conventional airstrike that Mr Trump eventually ordered.

Read more ....

Update: Trump reportedly told Mattis that he wanted to assassinate Bashar al-Assad after his chemical weapons attack on Syrians last year (Business Insider).

WNU Editor: Defence secretary James Mattis is denying this story. On a side note .... Israeli minister: no knowledge of Trump ordering Assad killed (Reuters).


fred said...

Trump 'wanted Bashar al-Assad killed' after chemical attack

Anonymous said...

How about your conscience,Fred?
The guy you call the putin puppet and who you call traitor - without evidence for 2 years - that guy wants to assassinate a mass murderer who actually IS working with Putin and you take issue with it as well. And you scream treason at the top of your lungs. And your fellow men believe you. ..

The left.
Righteous Fred.

The left.

Anonymous said...

Fred you post (repost actually) dozens of links a day. But never with evidence. Is that normal behaviour on the left to just claim things, make money off it and destroy the country while looking righteous up on that horse? Good God, Fred. You never will wake up.

Anonymous said...


fred said...

Harry Truman:If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out of it

fred said...

The Trump Foundation's biggest donation was to refurbish a fountain outside his own hotel

fred said...

Pot, kettle: Russia warns Google against election 'meddling'

fred said...

Trump Associates Keep Getting Misquoted Questioning Intelligence of Very Stable Genius

Andrew Jackson said...

Fake news!

Roger Smith said...

Am I losing it or is this a new Fred?
When I first became aware of Mr. Lapides was months ago when I included in a post a few sentences about my beekeeping. The man replied disparagingly, briefly, and not well written.
As of late he has produced link after link as evidenced above and also writes as if a different person.
Has anyone else noticed this or am I mistaken?

Anonymous said...

"Has anyone else noticed this or am I mistaken?"
You are not mistaken.

Anonymous said...


B.Poster said...

When we don't have inside information that is in real time, it can be hard to know what happened in a given situation. Oftentimes we are presented with conflicting information. Whom do we believe in such situations? It can be a judgment call and, as with any judgment call, where information is limited, we can make the wrong judgment.

In this case, whom do we believe? Do we believe an old reporter who is nearing the end who writes a book or do we believe generals who have distinguished track records of service? In the case of the reporter, the book is a quick and easy way to even more fame, fortune, and prestige. Keep in mind that at least 25% of Americans are eat nails for breakfast, run through walls and anti-Trump and will accept anything at face value that is critical of him no matter how ridiculous or outlandish the accusations may be. The publisher and the author would only need to sell the book to about 10% of these die hard anti-Trump personnel to make an enormous profit. In other words, the accusations even if wrong carry with them no downside risks coupled with huge upside potential in a profession that is not exactly known for its honesty anyway.

We could probably stop right here. The claim of Trump ordering the assaination of Assad is bogus. Continuing on though.

General Mattis is accustomed to making life and death decisions and has the utmost respect of the men he served with as I have some knowledge of this from sources I have known to be credible. Such a person will not be prone to lie about something of this magnitude. As such, his denials carry considerably more credibility than those of Mr. Woodward who, in contrast, is a partisan hack reporters whose primary claim to fame is taking down a wildly unpopular president with the vast tools of the media and the government at his disposal to do so. This is sort of like a major league baseball player playing t ball. In other words anything less than a homerun would be considered a failure in such a situation. As such, this is not a particularly impressive accomplishment by the reporter or his team. Again, we could stop here. The claims are not credible.

Continuing on though, someone of the character of Generals Mattis and Kelly would resign in good faith if they had such issues with the Commander in Chief. They have not done so. Again, claims are not credible.

Continuing on, with all of the leaking that goes on in DC it hardly seems credible that we are just now finding out about this. Clearly the Israelis would have had advance knowledge of this. Iranian and Russian operatives deep in the US government would have had advance knowledge as well and would have mentioned this. Such statements as this would provide motivation for the forces of Assad and discredited POTUS. The claim isn't credible.

Given that a large segment of the US population will blindly eat up anything anti-Trump no matter how absurd and there is no cost associated with such things, it would come as no surprise the reporter would come up with this. Such things have huge profit margins coupled with no downside risks.

Given that the media has practically been screaming for Assad's removal, one would think they would support a POTUS that they thought might want to assainate one of their enemies. I think by reporting this they are making still further attempts to derail an important diplomatic process that probably remains ongoing to some degree. Some must have their war with Russia and their allies at any and all costs. Any lie and any slander is permissible to them if this is what it takes.

fred said...

You will learn about this tomorrow and then search for your verbal knives

B.Poster said...

"Verbal knives." Not sure if directed at me, however, I did re read my post. Perhaps I was a bit overly critical of Mr. Woodward.

Now, the main theme of the post is that I deem General Mattis to be a more credible source than the reporter in this case or the reporter's "sources." I think I made the case for this quite well as to why.

By the way, your link to what we will learn about tomorrow did not work. The term "verbal knives" is an interesting metaphor. When someone is attacked, the attacker should general expect a response from the attacked. POTUS is generally a counter puncher. He rarely throws the first "punch" but has been known to respond to devastating effectiveness against those who "punch" him. I have noticed that many of his attackers seem to be excellent at dishing it out but seem extraordinarily thinned skinned when they are called out. If one can't take it, it might be best not to dish it out.

fred said...

Ny times editorial ny trump person telling readers trump erratic and they stay on to protect nation

Anonymous said...

Ok it's been 2 years and Fred the parrot just doesn't learn how he's being used to push out this narrative - just as he pushed out the narrative before and before and before. ..he doesn't realise it.

So I ask this: Who in here thinks that Fred is mentally challenged? Raise your hands

**raises hand**

Anonymous said...

We're not getting out of the kitchen you fool..

We'll open a window so you hopefully get some oxygen to your brain. You need it too.

Quoting Truman. Are you kidding me? !!! You sir are no Truman, not even remotely, you embarrassment of a parrot

Anonymous said...

That Fred guy is mentally challenged for sure. He believes that he can just post a lot of left wing narrative to convince people who wait for evidence instead. Complete and utter retardation

Anonymous said...

"that guy wants to assassinate a mass murderer who actually IS working with Putin and you take issue with it as well"

Such a true statement, but it will never make a dent in Fred's consciousness. First, it is debatable that he ever had one. He sort of slept walked his way through life from the Army to college. Second, Fred was subsumed into the Borg collective.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34 PM

Fred is a real person. Well I think that some of his fellow professors who have PhD's in philosophy might argue with that, but that is another story.

Fred is an arch-liberal, a socialist. He'll defend socialism to the hilt and has before.

Fred is a wingnut and the chances are slim to none that he will get smarter ... and Slim just walked out the door.