Friday, September 28, 2018

Erik Prince Says He Needs Just Six Months And Roughly 3,600 Soldiers To Change The Course Of The Afghan War

Miller Centre/Flickr

Paul Szoldra, Task & Purpose: Erik Prince Thinks He Can Turn Around The War In Afghanistan With 6 Months And 3,600 Men

The former founder and CEO of Blackwater says he needs just six months and roughly 3,600 men to make the Afghan War look far different from the shitshow it is now.

In an interview with Afghanistan’s TOLO News, Erik Prince once again pitched his idea to privatize the nearly-17-year-old conflict, offering up a force of “contracted veteran mentors” from the United States and NATO countries to serve alongside Afghan security forces.

“Well, I would say six months after the program is fully ramped up, you have a very different situation on the ground, I will commit to that,” Prince said, outlining a plan to provide 36 contractors for each unit of Afghan security forces, who would serve for two to four years at a time.

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WNU Editor: I do not share Erik Prince's optimism.


Anonymous said...

That's not optimism. That's a misleading statement. ..or less polite: an outrageous lie. He could only do that with 3000 soldiers who would kill anyone in their sight. No rules of engagement. Murdering of villagers. Terror squads. Not in my name. This guy is dangerous and has a bad track record for his outrageous claims and predictions. He was the CEO of Blackwater. Then they changed their name. ..why? Because they famously killed unarmed civilians. F*ck this guy and anyone who does business with him or authorises his murder machinery

Daniel said...

Pretty much.

Anonymous said...

We will never win with out current rules of engagement.

Antitroll said...

Lmao 6 months. Need another 20 years and American still will fail. Usa is good at ruining countries, not helping

Anonymous said...

"We will never win with out current rules of engagement." - Correct

Anon 551 is not correct. Among other things posting night letters in safe havens in Pakistan is a good way to win and you do not have to massacre villagers. GTFU Anon. U R useless.

At Anti Troll. Do I detect cabinetmaker?

Stephen Davenport said...

Because you still do not understand how Trump operates, you are still on Obama and Dubya way of doing things.

Carl said...

What he's really saying is that he can make a shitload of money in six months by promising what he can't deliver.