Saturday, September 15, 2018



Anonymous said...

Fake News was the Nikki Haley curtain story.

Yet the NYT tried to take that "hill".

If they would not have encountered strong resistance, they would have captured that "hill".

The objective of the NYT was to be political. It was to force out Nikki Haley thus damaging Trump and the Republican Party.

The NYT may not know, definilety does not give a FF if they know and is counting om readers of know the basics of government money such as obligation and expenditure.

The money on the curtains was obligated before Trump took office.

Another basic fact about government is that you ALWAYS spend you budget! If you give some back on year to the treasury the fear is that your budget will automatically shrink in succeeding years. So you never give money back. This is gospel.

Anonymous said...

A real story, not a drive-by hit piece, where the reporters drive by and spray a bunch of bullets like the thugs they are would have reported not nsarrated on many things.

- What curtains were there now. How much did they cost.
- What was bought in the past 3 of 4 cycles (replacements).
- How large of an area or how many feet of window were there?

How much did the curtains cost by linear foot. This is the biggest omission and thus the biggest sin after not telling us how much curtain was needed

How much do curtains cost for similar government buildings or corporate offices.

Seeing as how the contract was sole source where their special requirements that made the curtains more expensive.

How long were the curtains in contracting? We are only give a stolen snap shot of 1 page of information.

What does Nikki's day look like as far as meetings? How about here predecessors? Does she spend her days kicking ass and taking names or is it spend on minutia? Does staff held over
from admin to admin decide this. Was the decision made 2 or 3 levels below her?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea..

This story gets researched and then we drag the NYT back to that 'hill' and see if they can hold it.

We keep at it until they run out of ammo, reserves, excuses and subscriptions.

Anonymous said...

Think of a NYT editor as a capo and the various groups of reporters a crews.


Anonymous said...

"fake news" is in itself fake if you bother to check out the facts behind the story! the strolling guys are on concrete; the tv guy is on very wet grass and is thus unstable

Anonymous said...

Anon 951

There is a video and yet you lie.

Anonymous said...

Anon 951

Here is another videe that shows a person walking on grass with no problem.

Anon, do you have a problem? Why does prevarication appeal to you?

Roger Smith said...

non 9:51AM

I presume you are referring to the soaked soil making the grass' roots unstable.

Anonymous said...

Roger Smith

The 2nd video of the Daily Mail article shows the same 2 men walking (as in the video poster at WNU) almost exactly the other way on the rain soaked grass without any problem.

It is a miracle that they didn't slip or maybe they were not paid to mug for the cameras.

Seconds 2 through 7 of video