Monday, September 17, 2018

Former FBI Attorney Lisa Page Admits There Is No Evidence Of Collusion Between Trump And Russia Before Special Counsel Appointment

Daily Mail: Former FBI attorney Lisa Page admits the agency could NOT prove collusion between Trump and Russia before the appointment of Mueller as special counsel in bombshell testimony

* Testimony from former FBI attorney Lisa Page revealed the agency had not proven collusion at the time of Robert Mueller's appointment as special counsel
* Page made the startling claim in a closed-door hearing with lawmakers
* Fox News obtained a transcript of her deposition, which shows her saying investigators could not make a collusion charge in May 2017
* That was the month Mueller was appointed to lead the investigation
* President Trump and his Republican allies are likely to use this revelation to boost their argument the president is a victim of a witch hunt
* The president has long and repeatedly argued there is no collusion and he is a victim of a witch hunt

Former FBI attorney Lisa Page, in a bombshell revelation, says the agency could not prove collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential campaign before Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed.

Page told a closed-door joint session of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in mid-July that investigators could not make the charge, according to a transcript of her deposition reviewed by Fox News.

'I think this represents that even as far as May 2017, we still couldn't answer the question,' Page said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: So why did the Deputy Attorney General appoint the Mueller Counsel when there was (and still is) no evidence? This is just more evidence for those who say that all roads behind the Russia probe lead to U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

More News On Former FBI Attorney Lisa Page Admitting There Is No Evidence Of Collusion Between Trump And Russia Before Special Counsel Appointment

Lisa Page testimony: Collusion still unproven by time of Mueller's special counsel appointment -- FOX News
Lisa Page testified investigators had no proof of collusion when Robert Mueller was appointed: Report -- Washington Examiner
Trump says new Strzok-Page info undermines Russia probe: 'Conspiracy caught?' -- FOX News
Strzok Vowed to Use Classified Dossier Briefing as 'Pretext' to 'Interview Some People,' Text Reveals -- PJ Media
Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment -- John Solomon, The Hill


fred said...

no evidence BEFORE Mueller...that was then...let us see in the conclusion of the investigation. In Nov, 1941, there was no evidence the Japanese would attack American bases

Unknown said...

If there was evidence there was no need for an special counsel.. that's why Muller was appointed to make sure there was no collusion.. when there is a crime or the suspect of a crime authorities has to investigate, regardless if they have evidence..when criminals commit crime they make sure not to leave the evidence laying around that's why Muller why appointed..

fred said...

I am perhaps off but a guess on my part is the Flynn revelations and the Comey firing raised questions and that begot the Mueller operation appointed

War News Updates Editor said...

To appoint a special counsel you need evidence of a crime. Lisa Page blew that out of the water.

fred said...

Mueller's appointment aims to quell the wave of criticism that Trump and his administration have faced since Trump fired FBI Director James Comey last week in the middle of the FBI's intensifying investigation into contacts between Trump campaign associates and Russian officials.

Anonymous said...

That's very grown up of you now. If you had called for this all along I would have never had to call you a little parrot. My advice two years ago was to wait for the evidence and not call someone a traitor, or putin puppet as you did less then two weeks ago. People remember. :)
But welcome to sensibility town, we've got space and sticks to drive into either Trump's or CNN'/msnbcs heart. One of them has been messing with this nation for two years and almost stopped the agenda of a democratically elected president all under the Russia collusion narrative. Let's see who's guilty and then react accordingly both ways - I hope you agree with that.

fred said...

I agree that I will wait for the Mueller team report and till such time not find X or Y guilty nor find X or Y innocent. In saying that, I thus also find some postings here and elsewhere premature in dismissing anyone being investigating prior to the completion of the Mueller report

Americanadian soldier said...

Yeah so let’s ivestigate Obama for tape and Hillary for murder just to make sure they didn’t do it.... and while doing so investigate absolutely everyone around them for anything we can find on them just in case. Not how it’s dupposed to work douche bag.

Unknown said...

Mr soldier the crime of election interference was been proven multiple times, so is not just in case, what Muller is trying to clear if anyone from the us was involved.. no need to insult just because we differ in opinion. Ty

Unknown said...

The crime being investigate was Russian interference and the collusion is just another part.. the interference has been proven to be correct. So there was a crime committed to appoint the special counsel.

B.Poster said...

We haven't actually seen the evidence of such "interference" so very respectfully it hadn't been "proven." In general the people making the allegations don't have a particularly good track record either because of errors they've made in the past or treachery and these allegations are being used as a rationale to ratchet up tensions in Cold War 2 which is very dangerous. They are going to have to do better than essentially "because we said so."

Jay Farquharson said...




Anonymous said...

stop being so obvious

fred said...


Americanadian soldier said...

Even Obama said there was no proof or evidence of tampering....that’s why nothing was done before the unexpected Trump win. Investigating a crime when there wasn’t one to begin with. That’s why the only chance Mullet has is to get him on obstruction

B.Poster said...

Me a commie? Do you even bother to read my posts. Apparently not. Now as I stated we haven't seen any evidence. Sure we've had this "expert" or that one claimed something but as to actual evidence or "sources and methods" we haven't seen it. Given that these accusations are being used to ratchet up tensions in Cold War 2 a very dangerous situation we need more evidence to justify this. "Just trust us" isn't enough.

B.Poster said...

"Obvious" What do you mean? I expect my government to justify their actions. I don't blindly swallow what they tell me especially when their policies place my loved one in danger. There better be a good reason for it. So far such evidence has not been presented

B.Poster said...

Thank you for the link on Bhengazi. I thought the effort spent on Bhengazi to be a waste of time. As such, I can empathize with the frustration.

With that said and very respectfully the Benghazi investigation was not used as a rationale to ratchet up tensions in Cold War 2. Also, while it could be argued that the Russia investigation has made a "profit," this ignores the opportunity costs of this endeavor. 1.)To use such resources to go on essentially fishing expidituons against one man and his associates diverts resources away from other areas that are arguably more important and of greater benefit to the American people than soothing HRC's bruised ego. 2.)This has undercut what seems to be obvious areas of diplomatic advancement with Russia. The longer they drag this on the harder this damage will be to prepare.

Here's my "take" a woefully bad candidate ran a woefully bad campaign. Once it became apparent she might lose, a myth of Russian "collusuon" was hatched. The media, democrats, and an assortment of "never Trumpers" picked up on this and the echo chamber amplified it. Now they believe their own lies

B.Poster said...

Now they must justify their actions. Law enforcement is then used to bui the case at this point.

A similar case involved the poisonings in the UK. The British authorities,had their preconceived notions, reached a conclusion based upon this, and now must justify their actions. Next step, go through hours upon hours of video surveillance, pick out some Russians, arrest them, and parade them before fawning media to show what bad ass!s you are.

Congratulations!! You nailed a couple of pot smoking prostitute chasing tourists. IF the Russian government is behind this and a rral investigation could prove it, the British authorities have destroyed their credibility with their current actions.

The "collusion" and "interference" narratives appear to be similar to the above example as the UK poisonings. Finally, while the caption in the link "how do you like them Apples" is certainly entertaining. Someone knows how to market!! Unfortunately such people aren't looking at the big picture and can't see the harm this is causing. These are political hacks.

I would add part of why Benghazi went on so long is because it benefited HTC and her supporters.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Page was there, but somehow Fred knows better.

We all knew that Fred would be lurking here and post multiple comments for this story.

Anonymous said...

Mueller seized property he had no right to seize.

Why? It is not equal justice. You cannot go after a person for years or for partisan purposes.

If Carter Page successfully sues, watch for Manafort to do the same.

I have no love for Manafort. After all , he was hired by the Russian loving Ukrainian Prime minister that Jay loved.

People should watch "13 Hours".

I know some people will not watch it. It is sad that they will not watch it, because there is no pornography in it.