Friday, September 14, 2018

Former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers Refutes Reports That He Discussed Collusion With Trump

National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers testifies before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in Washington, U.S., June 7, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

CBS: Ex-NSA chief says he never discussed collusion with Trump

WASHINGTON -- Former National Security Agency Director and commander of U.S. Cyber Command Admiral Mike Rogers said in rare public remarks on Tuesday that, contrary to media reports, he "never had a discussion" about collusion with President Trump or other White House officials.

"I've never had a discussion with collusion with the president of the United States," Rogers said. "I've never been directed to do anything, coerced -- any time I had a discussion I felt I was able to say, 'Hey, here's my view on that,'" Rogers said, "I'm very comfortable."

Asked specifically about reports in May 2017 that Mr. Trump had asked Rogers and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to publicly deny evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Rogers said, "I was never asked that."

He added with characteristic acerbity that if he spent his time correcting media reports, "I'd never get anything done."

Read more ....

Update: Former NSA chief refutes report claiming Trump asked him to publicly deny Russia collusion (The Hill)

WNU Editor: Former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers is not a fan of the media ....

.... He added with characteristic acerbity that if he spent his time correcting media reports, "I'd never get anything done."


Anonymous said...

" if he spent his time correcting media reports, "I'd never get anything done.""

If Rogers is telling the truth, then it must nearly all be fakes news.

Trump Right.
Lying Media Wrong.


Anonymous said...

Mike Rogers will introduce Space Force bill in January
That is, of course, the Trump bill
Rogers says this and that but NOT under oath

Anonymous said...

But anon: you read this statement on MEDIA that you diss

Anonymous said...

Media lies like on the Puerto Rico Trump story.

They have been rehashing that lie several times over a year's time. That is all they do.

The GW study was a lie. To believe it you have to not know statistics.

Anonymous said...

Prove what you say...Trump tells more lies per day than any president has told in a year...but you call the college liars and Trump truth telling?

Using a study from a team of independent researchers, officials in Puerto Rico said they're raising the official death toll from Hurricane Maria to 2,975 from 64.

Researchers have determined that an estimated 2,975 people died from September 2017 through the end of February 2018. The independent study, from George Washington University's (GWU) Milken School of Public Health, was commissioned by the Puerto Rican government.

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM

It was an excess deaths study.

Those are false.

Is is an easy, lazy way for a so called 'researcher' to publish, without looking for cause and effect.

A person literally could publish one such study every 5 minutes. What does that tell you?

fred said...

MIAMI — Florida Republicans are angered by President Donald Trump advancing a conspiracy theory casting doubt on Hurricane Maria’s estimated death toll in Puerto Rico. Even Trump’s two top Florida allies, Gov. Rick Scott and GOP gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, disagreed with his insensitive comments.

Unknown said...
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fred said...

getting sillier with each attempt at insults

fred said...

China claims Muslim detention camps are education centres
Ex-inmates tell of abuse in camps holding more than 1 million ethnic minorities

Bob Woodward: 'Too many people are emotionally unhinged about Trump

fred said...

Trump's Insane Tweets On Puerto Rico TODAY May Cost Republicans The Senate

fred said...

yes. Many died and Trump lied

fred said...

Yes, $10 million were transferred from FEMA to ICE

fred said...

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump

---Bezos to Trump: It's 'dangerous to demonize the media'
---Trump’s Approval Rating Is Down. Mueller’s Is Up. Is There A Connection?
---As Florence Threatens 'Catastrophic' Destruction, A Reminder That North Carolina Passed Law Mandating Climate Warnings Be Ignored

Anonymous said...

The George Washington University used computer models to predict excess deaths.

They predicted anywhere between ~2,600 to ~3,200 excess deaths. That is a 600 delta. On top of that another group calculated over 4,000 which George Washington University saids BS. Yet, you have donkey voters sitting on the sidelines betting on that which they know nothing about.

The f___ __s researchers did and cannot name one name of who died. They did not compile that data.

We have total idiots and I mean total useless f______ idiot, who cannot come up with 3 measures of central tendency or 2 or more measures of spread. They cannot do hypothesis testing nor do a simple control chart. Linear regression is beyond their ken.

And yet they unquestioningly believe George Washington University.

Freaking no-brain piss ants

Anonymous said...

We know how liberals are.

We know their proclivities.

"'High-Quality Dismembered Baby Hearts, Lungs..."