Sunday, September 16, 2018

Is Russia's GRU Intelligence Service In Crisis?

Russian agents Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov – who gave an astonishing interview last week claiming to be sightseers

Daily Mail: Russian secret service 'in crisis' after botched Novichok assassination attempt in Salisbury

* Russia's secret service, the GRU, have been accused of crossing the line by rivals
* Officials believed the duo were wheeled out on Russian state TV as a punishment
* This includes multiple sightings of them on CCTV walking around Salisbury

Russia's secret service is in crisis after the botched assassination attempt of double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

The Gru, Russia's military intelligence service, have been accused of 'crossing the line' by rival agencies over the way they attempted to kill the Skripals.

Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Bohirov, the two secret service agents accused of carrying out the attack, were 'wheeled out' onto Russian state TV as a punishment for leaving a messy trail of evidence behind them in the lead to the Salisbury attacks.

Read more ....

Update: The Russian Fitness Instructors Who Wanted to See Salisbury Cathedral but Ended Up Poisoning Sergei Skripal (Sam Knight, New Yorker).

WNU Editor: The GRU are suppose to be the "attack dogs" of Russian intelligence .... GRU: Attack dog of Russian intelligence (CNN). But if these two men are GRU agents who committed this crime, and if this story is true .... Novichok suspects' drug-fuelled night of 'cannabis and prostitutes' at £75-a-night East London hotel just hours before Salisbury attack (Daily Mail). Then yes .... Russia's GRU intelligence service has a problem.

Hat tip to Fred for the above link.


Anonymous said...

Smoking weed and doing cheap chicks. ..sounds more like they wanted to fit in and work undercover. England and especially east London is a drug den filled with easy chicks. Not doing drugs in a cheap hotel would have made them stand out like an eye saw

Roger Smith said...

Great post, anon. Very convincing. Well researched.