Thursday, September 27, 2018

Israel Accuses Iran Of Having A Secret Nuclear Facility In Tehran

Reuters: Israel accuses Iran of concealing nuclear material for weapons program

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday accused Iran of hiding nuclear-related material at a warehouse in Tehran, which he said proved it had not abandoned its nuclear weapons program.

“Today I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran, a secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and materiel from Iran’s secret nuclear program,” Netanyahu told the annual United Nations General Assembly.

“Since we raided the atomic archive, they’ve been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse. Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it?” he said. “They took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence.”

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More News On Israel Accusing Iran Of Having A Secret Nuclear Facility In Tehran

The Latest: Israeli leader accuses Europe of appeasing Iran -- AP
Netanyahu at UN says he has proof of secret nuclear facility in Tehran -- Times of Israel
Netanyahu reveals Iran nuclear site, demanding IAEA inspection -- Jerusalem Post
At UN, Netanyahu Reveals Secret Iranian Nuclear Facility, Hidden Missiles in Beirut -- Haaretz
Netanyahu accuses Iran of having secret atomic warehouse -- The Hill
Netanyahu to UNGA: 'What Iran hides, Israel will find' -- YNet News
Netanyahu Discloses Second Alleged Iranian Atomic Secret Facility in Tehran -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

The Iran deal was never the American law of the land because Obama couldn't get it passed in the Senate because too many Democrats would oppose it in treaty form.

Obviously Obama's merry band of fools carry on, oblivious to Iran's dedicated nuclear weapons work.

Anonymous said...

Agree Anon: what do you suggest now? nuke Iran? after dissing our past, tell us what you suggest we do

Anonymous said...

What would I do? Hmmmm......lets see.....I got it, I got it!!
I'd withdraw from that toothless piece of paper.
I'd slap stiff sanctions on Iran's economy, particularly all it's got its oil and gas.
I'd block Syrian from having a overland road network thru Syria.
I'd encourage internal opposition to the homicidal Mullahs.
I'd do exactly what President Trump is doing.

No shots fired. No nukes and please ease off the stupid nukes comments. Nukes are for the slow amongst you when you got nothing else to say.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:15 that's a great recipe for getting bogged down in the ME 'tl time stops. Which is exactly what Israel wants. Wasn't Trump popular with a lot of small R and libertarian types because he would pull the US out of these dead end, pointless conflicts?

BTW, there seems to plenty of shots, bombs, and missiles fired in Syria lately.
And the Assad's gov't remains in control is getting stronger and Hezbollah continues to prepare for any Israeli acts of aggression. Europe, Russia, China, India, all continue to do business with Iran. American business is being shut out, thanks to Trump.

But one can dare to dream of REGIME CHANGE, neocons have been doing it for 40 years now.

fazman said...

Correct,how anyone can support a plan that put more military facilities off limits for nuclear inspections is more crazy than the mullahs.

fazman said...

Trump has got this policy down pat and its working. You don't always have to give flowers and chocolates before you f@@k Some One.

Anonymous said...

Trump has imposed sanctions. No work. Next?

Antitroll said...

Hey Israel how about you stfu and tell the world what you're hiding you turd sniffer. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black