Sunday, September 23, 2018

Mexican President-Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Says He Will Not Fight With U.S. President Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump and Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

AFP: Mexico president-elect says will not fight with Trump

Mexico City (AFP) - Mexican president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he does not want to fight with US President Donald Trump on immigration.

Trump's hardline approach on the subject has ramped up tensions and riled Mexicans, who he previously claimed would pay for the construction of a wall between the two countries.

But the leftist Lopez Obrador told reporters in the border state of Sonora on Saturday that angry exchanges were not the answer.

"We are not going to fight with the US government, we are not going to fight with President Donald Trump," he said.

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WNU Editor:  They may both be different men .... but they are confronting many of the same problems. I am confident that they will be able to work together for the simple reason being it is in the interest of both parties to cooperate.


fred said...

Send our pesos for the damned wall!

Trump’s Dirty War in Yemen

The president is aiding Saudi Arabia in an unlawful, unpopular, inhumane bombing campaign at odds with the foreign policy that he promised Americans.

fazman said...

I was looking forward to Dana White organising it

Roger Smith said...

This is refreshing. I like the guy already.