Sunday, September 16, 2018

NATO's Reaction To Russia's Massive Vostok-2018 Military Exercise Is Mixed

Thousands of vehicles and weapons systems were staged for the main phase of the exercise. Russian Ministry Of Defense

DW: NATO views Vostok with both a shrug and a show of force

Russia is showcasing military might with its largest war games since the height of the Cold War. NATO is nonchalantly "monitoring" Moscow's activities but sending an unmistakable signal from the sky.

Last year the word Zapad was on everyone's lips, just as the Kremlin surely wanted with its drills practicing an invasion of the Baltic states from a stone's throw away. But Vostok 2018, despite being billed by Moscow as its largest exercises since the height of the Cold War, isn't setting NATO's pulse racing — nor prompting reinforcements to its eastern flank.

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WNU Editor: Here is a good analysis .... Vostok 2018: sending a powerful message to NATO and its partners (Jacqueline Westermann, The Strategist). As to what is my take .... NATO better pay attention, starting by increasing their defense budgets.

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