Friday, September 21, 2018

Report: Russia Had A Plan To Help Julian Assange Escape From The UK On Christmas Eve

Julian Assange is seen on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Thomson Reuters

The Guardian: Revealed: Russia’s secret plan to help Julian Assange escape from UK

Tentative plot to whisk fugitive from London embassy on Christmas Eve was considered too risky.

Russian diplomats held secret talks in London last year with people close to Julian Assange to assess whether they could help him flee the UK, the Guardian has learned.

A tentative plan was devised that would have seen the WikiLeaks founder smuggled out of Ecuador’s London embassy in a diplomatic vehicle and transported to another country.

One ultimate destination, multiple sources have said, was Russia, where Assange would not be at risk of extradition to the US. The plan was abandoned after it was deemed too risky.

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Update: Russia reportedly hatched an audacious plan to smuggle Julian Assange out of Britain on Christmas Eve (Business Insider).

WNU editor: Someone in Wikileaks leaks this to the press. Could it be related to this missing person case? .... 'Strange disappearance' of WikiLeaks consultant in Norway (DW).


Anonymous said...

It should be clear to everyone by now that Assange works for Russia. I was always wondering why he never published anything of matter on Russia...there is plenty to report on. ..all the political killings and the billions of dollars Putin amassed through corruption - making him one of the richest man on earth on a Russian president's common. .let's be honest.. this guy and his Podesta email releases and other DNC releases were very damaging to the US election (not because of the transparency, but the one sidedness of it all)..having said that and acknowledging that he worked against hillary (and by that helping trump) I don't think there was collusion on the trump campaign side and I don't think the Russian influence was great enough to change the outcome, but certainly helped a bit. That's just the Democrats narrative and brought out some of the worst things in the US - McCarthyism 2.0 and the resistance movement that truly hurt democracy in general - and helped split the country. So let's just get Assange. Work with the UK to extradite him. The UK also has an interest in this. As soon as the Equadorian Embassay tries to transport him, do get him.. the world will not complain. We want to know wtf Assange's else did for Russia and what other elections he might have influenced

Anonymous said...

We do not yet have a full explanation or complete report on Russian interference and whether or not there is a specific connection between Russia and the Trump campaign, and therefore what you say is at this time at best your guess without any specific information that would show you to be right

Anonymous said...

Well look, it's my opinion and it's based on following this for about 3 years (prior and post election). And also Page admitted that when she worked for Mueller (and after the fbi investigation also did yield nothing) that there was no evidence for Russia collusion and even Mueller himself in reducing the questions he asks trump to not include Russia collusion but only obstruction of justice questions, that the Russia which hunt is over. Only the most uninformed will still believe there was collusion between Trump and Russia. Sorry, that's my opinion. You may disagree based on your opinion but not based on facts. But. .you are right. .until mueller's Report there is a bit speculation but it really does look like a smear campaign by people in the democratic party the FBI and the DOJ == resistance movement. But I'll wait for it and also the other guy's report (forgot his name. .the guy who did the report on McCabe)

Roger Smith said...

I wasn't going to vote. HRC was more of the same with a mediocre track record and a carefully sculpted public persona. A three dollar bill. Post election the Democrat's have given themselves a pair of black eyes from which they will never recover in the mind of this voter.
I had no inkling I would be so pleased with Trump. His impact on the economy is still something that astounds me.
Thank you Julian for your exposures.

War News Updates Editor said...

If Julian Assange was a reporter for the NYT, and he disclosed RNC emails. He would right now be lauded by the left, and winning Pulitzer Prizes for outstanding news coverage and reporting.

Anonymous said...

and if hermit crabs could fly then.....

Andrew Jackson said...

Assange must hang!

Anonymous said...

Oh absolutely. And he will make tons of money off all this. Wikileaks also was one of the earliest bitcoin users - years before the hype- so they should be well funded indeed. If Julian makes it to Russia he'll be with his comrades living it up on yachts and posting lots and lots of selfies - to inspire more comrades of course. So while he certainly is being watched by western agents I wonder if the west truly understands his power. Right now he looks unhealthy like f*ck and people inclined to follow his footsteps would think twice. .but once he is in Russia oh man will he be a media star. So this one would be interesting to watch on live TV. .can Russian agents ("diplomats") get him out under the nose of MI5/6 and Scotland Yard? We shall see. I think they can. But not via airport unless very well masked or hidden in diplomatic luggage. ...

Mike Feldhake said...

Guys, guys...I suggest you read a world history book. This cr.p has been going on for centuries; the media has just found a way to stoke your emotions to make $$ from it....


Anonymous said...

thus, MF, you avoid the media?