Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Russian President Putin Comments On The Downing Of A Russian IL-20 Spy Plane

Sputnik: Putin: Israel Didn't Down Il-20, Chain of Tragic Circumstances Led to Incident

Vladimir Putin has addressed the downing of a Russian IL-20 by a Syrian surface-to-air missile on Monday evening. Earlier Moscow blamed Israeli jets for having provoked the tragic accident.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered condolences over the death of the crew of the aircraft Il-20 downed in Syria.

"When people die, especially in such tragic circumstances, it is always a tragedy, a tragedy for us all, for the whole country and for the families of our dead friends. In this connection, I certainly offer my condolences to the relatives of those who got killed in the downing,' Putin said at a press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Moscow.

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WNU Editor: This is going to be an interesting conversation .... Putin to hold telephone conversation with Netanyahu — Kremlin (TASS).

More News On Russian President Putin Commenting On The Downing Of A Russian IL-20 Spy Plane

Putin on Israel’s role in Il-20 downing: ‘Looks accidental, like chain of tragic circumstances’ -- RT
Putin Says Chance Circumstances Were Behind Downing of Russian Aircraft -- Moscow Times
Putin vows to improve security of military personnel in Syria in wake of Il-20 tragedy -- TASS
Putin: Israel did not shoot down Russian jet, situation needs more investigation -- Jerusalem Post
Putin says Syria shooting down Russian plane was accident after defence ministry blamed Israel -- SCMP
Putin says 'tragic circumstances' to blame for downed plane — not Israel -- CBC/AP
Putin sees chance circumstances behind downing of Russian plane in Syria -- Reuters
Putin: 'Everyone will notice' Russia's response to downing of plane -- Washington Post


Anonymous said...

Russian loses in Syria are considerable with many hundreds dead or wounded. They are now between Israel and Iran and I bet Putin and Bibi are going to discuss the problem Iran is presenting to them both. Iran wants to annihilate Israel but Russia doesn't, the US doesn't, even Syria govt isn't all that interested so whats the hold up? Get Iran out of Syria.

B.Poster said...

"Get Iran out of Syria." This seems a reasonable proposition for all parties involved. Keep in mind that Iran is in Syria to the degree that it is largely because someone foolishly entered us into the Syrian Civil War arming the "rebels" essentially drawing others into the conflict.

Now to move forward is going to require having constructive working relations with Russia. Part of the goals of the Trump/Putin Summit was likely to establish this as were the meetings between Russian and Israeli officials surrounding the Trump/Putin meeting. While we cannot know unless we have inside information, some reports indicate how to deal with Iran was discussed. This would seem reasonable. In fact, it would seem unreasonable to suggest that this did not come up in a significant fashion. While US leaders are sometimes non serious people, Israeli and Russian leaders are very serious. They do not waste time on frivolous things.

As long as the twin myths of Russian "collusion" and "interference" in our election are allowed to persist, it is going to be an uphill battle for POTUS and his team to work with Russia in the fashion that we need in Syria and elsewhere. As long as this persists, we send a message that we are an unserious people and perhaps even treacherous.