Friday, September 14, 2018

Russian Warships Off Syrian Coast Raises Pentagon Concerns

The missile cruiser “Marshal Ustinov” (center) during a parade. © Aleksandr Galperin / Sputnik

CNN: Pentagon questions presence of Russian warships off Syrian coast

Washington (CNN)The Pentagon is monitoring and questioning the presence of over a dozen Russian Navy warships that are currently deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean, within striking distance of Syria.

The presence of the Russian warships comes as US officials tell CNN that US intelligence assesses that Moscow's Syrian allies have carried out airstrikes against medical facilities in Idlib, one of the few remaining rebel held areas in the country.

The Russian Navy "has been steadily building a large contingent of naval assets close to Syria with more than a dozen ships, many of those KALIBR-missile-equipped," Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon told CNN referring to the Russian-made cruise missile.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: U.S. naval commanders are concerned .... US fleet commanders meet amid Russian naval buildup in Europe (Stars and Stripes). But this is probably the reason why these Russian naval ships are off the coast of Syria .... Russian Warships Are Probably Lurking Near Syria In Case Putin Orders Cruise Missile Strikes (Task & Purpose).

More News On The Russian Naval Build-Up Off The Coast Of Syria

Russian Forces Flood Into The Med Ahead Of Syrian Offensive, Here's Everything You Need To Know -- Warzone/The Drive
Russian navy to hold drills off Syria as Idlib offensive looms -- Reuters
Russian Flotilla Appears Off Syria as Accusations Fly Ahead of Assad's Next Big Offensive -- The Drive
Here’s An Interesting Video Showing Some Of The Russian Aircraft Deployed To Syria For the Major Naval Exercise In the Med Sea -- Aviationist
Russian marines land on Syrian shores in massive Mediterranean drills (VIDEOS) -- RT
Kremlin points to ‘terrorists in Idlib’ when asked about massive naval drill near Syria’s shores -- RT
Why Is a Russian Naval Fleet Gathering Near Syria? Moscow could be hoping to deter a U.S. attack. -- Paul Iddon, National Interest


Americanadian soldier said...

My popcorn is on standby..... Redcon 1.5

Antitroll said...

Here's an idea. Why don't usa get the fuck out because no one invited them
Useless yanks

Anonymous said...

Less useless than you anti-troll.

So many R2P people were happy with Qatar in 2011. Now they are unhappy with them?

Very 2 faced.

Anonymous said...

Можливо, товариш, пан Путін вважає, що може відновити Росію до старовинних славних часів. Ні. Ваш цар є надмірним, і він повинен витрачати менше часу, ховаючи вкрадені гроші на березі, і турбуючись про те, щоб народ господарства повернувся додому

Anonymous said...

Well Anon @ 3:15PM,
You didn't disappoint.

Anonymous said...

Россия - великая нация, дважды разрушенная и реформированная. Оригинальная столица Киева до прихода монгола. До тех пор, как у русских есть 2,1 детей, работать, откладывает водку и бюргерская Присадка не принимать пагубное количество, Россия всегда будет большой.

Путин - скребок. Я могу восхищаться им за это. Но если он хочет запутаться, возможно, в третий раз это очарование

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:47,
Wonderful. Never stop, I beg you. I assure you, no one can do what you do. Have you thought of making money teaching?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:24 PM

Have you considered not BS-ing?

Anonymous said...

Anon @7:33PM,
I am sincere.