Saturday, September 1, 2018

Senior U.S. Justice Department Official Was Told Russia 'Had Trump Over A Barrel'

CNN: Ohr says Steele told him Russian intel believed they had Trump 'over a barrel'

A Justice Department lawyer whose ties to the infamous dossier about President Donald Trump and Russia has drawn the ire of Republicans told House lawmakers that he was told Russian intelligence thought they had the then-candidate "over a barrel" during the 2016 campaign, a source with knowledge of the testimony told CNN.

Bruce Ohr, who testified behind closed doors this week to the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, said dossier author Christopher Steele shared the information with him at a July 2016 breakfast, the source said.

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WNU Editor: From what I am reading .... and if we are to believe it .... Russian intelligence told former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele that they had Trump "over a barrel". In my opinion .... this is hogwash. Russian intelligence is not in the habit of revealing sensitive intel to anyone .... let alone to a former British spy and his contacts. But what I find even more disturbing from Bruce Ohr's testimony is how the FBI (without any evidence) tried to force individuals to provide testimony that they were adamant was not true .... Bruce Ohr, FBI together attempted to flip Russian oligarchs to gather information on Trump campaign: Report (Washington Examiner). The Democrats are upset that this has now all been leaked .... Republicans 'cherry-picked' Russia probe documents to quiz U.S. official: Democrats (Reuters). But if there was ever an example of the FBI abusing its power, this is it, and I do think that we the public have the right to know.

More News On U.S. Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr Being Told That Russia 'Had Trump Over A Barrel'

Justice Department Lawyer Bruce Ohr Says He Was Told Russia 'Had Trump Over a Barrel' -- Time/AP
Russian intelligence believed 'they had Trump over a barrel' during election, Justice Department official testifies he was told by ex-British spy who wrote dirty dossier -- Daily Mail
Russia had Trump 'over a barrel,' DOJ official tells lawmakers: Report -- Washington Times
Russia Had Donald Trump ‘Over a Barrel,’ Christopher Steele Told Bruce Ohr During 2016 Campaign: Report -- Newsweek
Kimberley Strassel: Bruce Ohr warned FBI that Steele had credibility problems. The bureau forged ahead anyway -- Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal


Anonymous said...

Once the mid terms are over and Sessions has been removed the DOJ will be laying charges against a large number of serving FBI personnel.

jimbrown said...

But if it is part of a disinfornation czmpsign, it makes...

jimbrown said...


Anonymous said...

WNU, spot on, but you missed one point:

The issue is not if Russia has Kompromat on Trump. Of course they do. They have compromising info on every single important person. So does the CIA. Why? Because we live in a world where -everyone- has done something vulgar, or bad, or horrible, or petty. Everyone. I am sure you have. I know I have. And I bet 1,000 that Fred has (obviously).

My point is: We all are sinners and I am sure the KGB has info on that, especially in today's data-centric world.

If you believe there's truth to what I am saying, then doubly so for people who already 10 years ago were speculated to run for president. Tripply so if they are billionaires and influential in the US media. Trump checks all those boxes, so I am almost 100% sure they have info on Trump.

Now, of course Trump knows that and of course the CIA knows that. It doesn't take a rocket scientists, you know? But I also believe there is a price to pay if the KGB were ever to use such information (by leaking or otherwise) against a sitting president. Why? BECAUSE I SAID THERE IS DATA ON EVERYONE. Do you think Putin has not sinned? What about all the billions he has taken from the people? What about all the people that criticized him and died? Common. of course the CIA has info on Putin too. That's how the game is played. Our leaders are sinners. They do our dirty work. You know it, I know it. So there's this agreement, not a gentleman's agreement, but an agreement nonetheless that you do not go that route and expose a sitting president, because we can do the same thing to Putin.

What I don't like about CNN and people like Fred is that they all shout SINNER and point fingers, while they do the same things.. sinning.. Cooper and Lemon are both butt-f*ers. I am accepting gay people, but I still think it's something extremely disgusting. But they call TRUMP digusting and vulgar for "pussy grabbing" and a "pee tape". It's all in the eye of the beholder and people who have been honest know that we all "sin" or do something "vulgar". But dishonest people, like Fred, Cooper, Lemon, enjoy the porn actresses, the buttfing, the porn websites and then they call Trump the vulgar one, the sinner. It's this double standard I hate. Pretending only one person is the ugly character.
And there's hundreds of sins everyone has committed during his or her lifetime. So to sit there, on your high horses, is so disgusting to me.. And to think there's no kompromat on any other president. Pleae. Be realistic. Bill Clinton? Nixon? Obama? Some of them hide it nicely, look nicer... others look more, well, less charismatic (e.g. Nixon) and they get treated differently. Bill Clinton not only had oral sex with an intern, breaking the sacred vow of marriage (if you want to sit on a horse and judge), but he lied under oath, committed the offence in the oval office and then -together with his wife- intimidated several women who spoke out. #METOO. yeah right. GIVE ME A BREAK.

Anonymous said...

And to put the cherry on top, one of the women who led the metoo movement turns out to have had sex with an underage guy ffs and she paid him off and stood there at the microphone and judged knowing full well what she did and keeping it secret. And cnn had almost no coverage of this hypocrisy. But Fred doesn't care. .because Trump did something. He just knows it. No evidence needed. No trial needed. Trump is guilty. And the left are just saints

Antitroll said...

Reading all these comments shows me how split usa is. This country has gone full retard as we say

Anonymous said...

Vox readers and CCN viewers are in full retard mode.

You do not compromise with crazy.

Thus the split.

Anonymous said...

Frog march Bruce Ohr