Saturday, September 15, 2018

Something Terrible Is Happening In Xinjiang

Reuters: Chinese official says China is educating, not mistreating, Muslims

GENEVA (Reuters) - China is not mistreating Muslims in Xinjiang province but is putting some people through training courses to avoid extremism spreading, unlike Europe, which had failed to deal with the problem, a Chinese official told reporters on Thursday.

Reports of mass detentions of ethnic Uighurs and other ethnic Muslims in China’s far western region have sparked a growing international outcry, prompting the Trump administration to consider sanctions against officials and companies linked to allegations of human rights abuses.

“It is not mistreatment,” said Li Xiaojun, director for publicity at the Bureau of Human Rights Affairs of the State Council Information Office. “What China is doing is to establish professional training centers, educational centers.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This article is behind a paywall, but it is probably correct in its analysis that something terrible is happening in Xinjiang .... 48 Ways to Get Sent to a Chinese Concentration Camp: Something terrible is happening in Xinjiang. (Foreign Policy)


Anonymous said...

Causeheads, who are addicted anger and have too many causes that are productive in that it might give them greater political power at home, are too busy to care.

Also they have some slender attachment to reality. IF they take up the cause of the Uighurs, they will have to pay a price they do not want to pay. So they will be unusually circumspect in the actions and words and save those for other causes. Do not expect them to stand on principle.

The Liberal Backlash Is Coming
The politics of backlash have been a Republican specialty for decades, but liberal anger continues to rise.
The American Project

A Time for Anger
If liberals want to win back working-class voters, they need to voice their anger.
US News

America's addiction to the politics of anger

Angry Conservatives and Contemptuous Liberals | Psychology Today

American’s anger addiction and other comments

' shows Barack Obama’s nuke deal for what it was: “a form of virtue-signaling that used the lives of tens of millions of people living in the Middle East as props.” '

Anonymous said...


Full Move until they take it down

PCU (1994) - You Went Out With A White Male?

If that isn't true nowadays as part of liberal academic and political dogma

Anonymous said...

Rule of the rapists

Lots of Leftists groups were virtue signaling in 1999 and 2000 with such intensity you would think they were in heat.

Maybe that is how they get dates?

But after 9/11 did any liberal sign up to go to Afghanistan saying, "We are going to kick ass, take names, make Afghanistan safe for women, and then retrograde out of there"?

Libby don't play that.

They didn't, so anything signaling by a lib is cheap talk ... and the lib men ... they will rape you.

Point is that if the Libs won't help Afghan women, when that is comparatively easy, do not expect them to help Uighurs.

The might have a march or two, pass some language in Congress that makes them feel good and get some people riled up to stab an Asian or two, but that is about it.

Americanadian soldier said...

Liberal anger at what exactly? Common sense? Always so angry at the status quo but empty on any functional alternatives. Liberalism is more akin to a self destructive social disease

Anonymous said...

This, then, is what Liberals have done for YOU!

Anonymous said...

Give it up Fred.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Republicans.

The Republican Party was founded as the ultimate Civil Rights party. It was anti-slavery.

The great President Nixon found the EPA.

The Voting rights act was necessary to right a Democrat wrong. Thousands of Republicans black & white were murdered by good Democrats. This necessitated the Voting Rights Act.

You want to claim credit for the United Nations?

The people who go to the Democrat Republic of Congo and rape women? the people who stick their hands in their pockets while Hezbollah sets up rockets launchers in UN camps and shell Israel? The UN that has not solved the Spanish Sahara question and never will? But they will keep score and hold up cards like Olympic judges.

You must really hate Israel and be an anti-Semite (self-loathing) to love the UN after what it does to Israel.

Anonymous said...

Rural electrification ...

- is a big step backwards
- is more expensive
- retarded the growth of better technologies.
- It promoted urban sprawl contrary to the smart growth that idiot liberals preach.
- Prevented more efficient farms

You would know this because you think "Math is hard" and do not know tech.

I can drive by houses a 1/4 or 1.2 mile outside of town and as I pass them each and every country gentleman, who has a 1/4 or 1/2 acre lot has a step down transformer just for him/her. How much do you suppose that costs?

Any person replying to you or reading your stuff can feel their IQ points draining from themselves.

Anonymous said...

City Slicker Fred,

Do you know what farm holding actually look like?

It would have been cheaper for farmers to live in small towns and visit their farms everyday than to run out electricity to them.

They have to run into town anyway for school or groceries. They have to travel to different sections or even counties.

Rural electrification was a real winner. NOT!

Anonymous said...

The Voting Rights Act was necessary to buttress the 15th Amendment, because good Democrats were trying to destroy the 15th Amendment.

"The Ku Klux Klan was just one of a number of vigilante groups that arose after the war

to terrorize African Americans and Republicans throughout the South.

The KKK brought violence into the voting polls, the workplace, and — as seen in this Harper’s Weekly print — the homes of black Americans. "

Anonymous said...

The Nation has a print of a brave Republican single handedly holding off a mob of good Democrats trying to attack black workers.

The odds have always been high.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Aizino Smith said...
This what rural electrification looks like

Every home has its own transformer that the utlility company must install.

Minimum price for the transformer is $355

Figure in MTBF, the conduit, etc

fred said...

meanwhile, back in China.....
this nonstop anti liberal rant is plain silly. That said
The anti liberals suddenly worried about Muslims? Soon, they might turn attention to this:

China Tells Christians to Replace Images of Jesus with Communist President
Propaganda effort in poor province latest sign of Xi Jinping consolidating control.

Yo, Bombastico! my only post for today...some of us have better things to do than dribble hate...enjoy your self abuse

Anonymous said...


No, this is your second post for the day. Your other post was at 8:56 AM or it was someone using you same style.

True liberals like Thomas Jefferson have always been worried about Muslims.

You remember TJ from high school? Maybe kind of? Sort of in a hazy sort of way?

"In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:"

"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once."

Anonymous said...

"this nonstop anti liberal rant is plain silly."
You're sniveling again and not very well. Come on you can do better.

Bob Huntley said...


Have you figured out the bit about the pipeline yet?

Anonymous said...


Have you figured out that the pipeline pays for your GF's welfare?

Bob Huntley said...


You still haven't figured the pipeline out yet have you.

Try this on for size, how can I help my girlfriend when I'm subsidizing the WNU Editor. I bet your little mind will never figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

If WNU is costing you money via taxes then be explicit.

Bob Huntley said...


Regarding the editor, stop guessing and so some research. I am subsidizing him and his girlfriend too by the way.

Figure it out it isn't hard, neither is the reference to the pipeline about which you seem to have no idea.

And get on topic will. Your meandering is senseless.

Anonymous said...

All I hear is you whining and insinuating.

The only pipeline I know of are the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines.

If WNU is on regular welfare or corporate welfare than be explicit.

Too bad you nephew did not beat some sense into you (You remember talking about that?).

Why are you bitching about taxes to support your GF or WNU's GF? You are a socialismo type of guy, but otherwise a coward.

BTW WNU did not say his GF was on welfare merely that her life was hard.

Bob Huntley said...


You really do need help.

The pipeline comment was about why the US is in Afghanistan. Keystone, Dakota Access pipelines, where did that thought come from?

I don't know if WNU Editor is on welfare or not and never said he was. I do know I am supporting him, and his girlfriend and that you haven't a clue how nor the intelligence to work it out.

I know what the WNU Editor said and I have never implied that his girlfriend was on welfare. That is an assumption you made because you haven't the ability to work it out and possess linear thinking.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh, bank teller says I have linear thinking.

I'll take that to heart. NOT! LMAO!

"Keystone, Dakota Access pipelines, where did that thought come from?" - (fill in the blank)

The Dakota Access Pipeline & Keystone pipelines have been in the news here at WNU.

"Farah and Helmand are among the provinces located on the route of a regional pipeline being constructed to transport natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan and India. "

Can you read MF! The Taliban and Osama retarded this pipeline. The Taliban okayed the pipeline and it was going forward. but the Taliban being the f___heads that they are shot themselves in the foot. The back a person to the hilt who did not tell them what he was dong as was blowing up people and crap.–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India_Pipeline

The pipeline will bring peace BTW. Lots of it. The Haqqani network and the Taliban blow it up and see if Turkmenistan and Pakistan do not hunt them down.

Do you really think that the Pakistani will let their economy tank or go into recession because so bearded boys in dirty robes are trying to hold it hostage?


Anonymous said...

Another thing.

As soon as that pipeline goes through that region ceases to be a desert.

Let's see if you poor 'lil brain figures that one out.

Bob Huntley said...


Congratulations you finally looked something up and learned that there is at least one pipeline in the world other than Keystone or Dakota Access.

But you have failed to connect that with your question in response to my comment that the "US is in Afghanistan because of Russia and the pipeline.

Instead of "what pipeline" now try to fathom out why the US is so interested in that pipeline.

Don't get discouraged now, stay focused and I am confident that you will figure it out, eventually.

Bob Huntley said...

You keep bringing up useless and irrelevant stuff. Can't you stay on topic?

Heck you asked the question "What pipeline?" and once that question is answered which you more or less answered, the next intelligent question should be 'why is the US so interested in that pipeline?"

You know what. I don't think you know and don't care which suggested all you postings are trolling in the hope someone will communicate with you.