Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

Apparently there's some kind of controversy happening at Oktoberfest.

Anonymous said...

I thought they always had shown cleavage.

I think the Munich-based crime author has a good point. This will get to the point that people will think of a young woman in an Oktoberfest dress the same way they think of a young woman in a Japanese schoolgirl outfit.

Anonymous said...

Ex-Trump staffer accused of slipping abortion pill into girlfriend’s smoothie

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail is very good at mentioning the former military status of everyone who has ever committed a crime.

So much so that is is now a meme.

You were in the military for 2 years 40 years ago, the Daily Mail will mention it.

What it has to do with the person committing the crime is unknown. Daily Mail has been unable to establish cause and effect, but they get the giggles just from mentioning it.