Wednesday, September 5, 2018

U.N. To Launch First Peace Talks On Yemen In Two years

Reuters: With Yemen in turmoil, U.N. to launch first peace talks in two years

RIYADH/GENEVA (Reuters) - Warring Yemenis due to attend the first peace talks since late 2015 on Thursday face an uphill struggle to rescue attempts to end a war marked by mass civilian casualties and fueled by rivalry between regional heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Iran.

U.N. Special Envoy Martin Griffiths wants Yemen’s government and the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement to work towards a deal to end the war, remove foreign forces from Yemeni territory, and establish a national unity government.

A Saudi-led coalition of Sunni Muslim Arab states backed by Western powers, including the United States and Britain, intervened in Yemen’s civil war in 2015 against the Houthis to restore the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Subsequent peace talks flopped.

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Update #1: Yemen foes head to peace talks as ‘ugly war’ rages (Arab News/AP/AFP)
Update #2: Houthis set new conditions in Geneva talks, possibly hindering progress (Al Arabiya)

WNU editor: These talks may end before they even begin .... Yemen rebels 'stranded' on eve of Geneva talks (AFP)


Hamilcar Barca said...

Too late too little !

Roger Smith said...

To think Iran will back off from supporting the Houthi's is the stuff that makes the likes of Johnny K and the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner salivate. We have the key!
Until the Iranian government is replaced and or cannot finance their henchmen I would not expect anything substantial to come from the uncountable barrels of fossil fuels burned to jet to wherever and expensive suits dry cleaned by The Great Deludeds who will engage in "talks" to end this behavior.
Over throwing Saddam, a checkmate on Iran when he was still alive, was one of history's biggest blunders. And he was overthrown on false evidence. That 2003 invasion was as dumb as it comes and not only in retrospect. The Bush crowd was a disaster and this Mid East mess is in the laps of him and the likes of J. Paul Bremmer III, etc., and the can do sirs in the military, all of whom learned little from history.