Thursday, September 27, 2018

Watch Live: Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford Testify At Senate Hearing (10:00 EST)


Anonymous said...

Kavanaugh is toast. And Trump will be impeached for sure now.

Anonymous said...

We all belong to tribes. The female GOP senators belong to Female tribe and GOP tribe. Which will get their vote remains yet to be seen. The GOP might get K. in for Supreme Court but lose female tribe votes in next elections. Many in the GOP Female tribe will though remain loyal even if K. not nominated. But how many will defect? Perhaps mostly among independent white college-educated women. Again, guesswork at this point

Anonymous said...

During a break, Mrs Kavanaugh was heard to say this

Anonymous said...

Doctor Ford is a known liar.

She had to be told by her handlers that she is afraid to fly.

When asked in committee "Of she was afraid of flying", her lawyers and other handlers put their hand over the mic and had a hurried conference with her.

Anonymous said...

"I also saw on your CV that you list the following interests of travel, and you, in parentheses put 'Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific islands, and French Polynesia,'" Mitchell said. "Have you been to all this places?"

"Yes," Ford said, acknowledging she traveled by plane and adding later, "It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation."

Fear of flying indeed ...