Thursday, October 25, 2018

China Will Not Join Any New INF Nuclear Missile Treaty With The U.S. And Russia

Sputnik: China Will Not Tolerate Blackmail on Joining INF Treaty

China will not tolerate blackmail in any form on the issue of the need for Beijing to join the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and urges the United States to think carefully before making any decision on the withdrawal from the agreement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

"We have paid attention to the relevant statement made by US President Donald Trump and his adviser John Bolton regarding China in the context of the INF treaty … China has always adhered to the defensive nature of its national defense policy and protects its own state interests. China will not tolerate any blackmail from any country," Hua Chunying said.

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WNU Editor: This analysis is spot on ..... Chinese missile buildup has also strained U.S.-Russia arms pact (Politico). I am old enough to remember when the first nuclear missile treaty was signed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union 30 years ago, and how pundits at the time were raising concerns that once China started building up its own nuclear arsenal, this treat may be come moot. It looks like that day has arrived. China will not stop its nuclear arsenal build-up. They see themselves as strategically weak when it comes to nuclear weapons, and they have been very blunt that they will not sign any future nuclear arms treaty that will limit their growth.


Anonymous said...

In that case we should not limit ourselves.

Ground launched IRBMs and SRBMs have the ability to carry a large payload into a high threat area without having to expose any aircraft to area denial weapons.

I have often heard a retort like this: "We have Cruise missiles from both the sea and air, isn't that all the utility we need?" The answer is that yes, ALCMs and SLCMs are very useful, however their ability to eliminate hardened threats is limited.

Anonymous said...

China not interested in peace. Simple as that.
Taiwan will be taken by force - you'll see

Anonymous said...

China has at least 32 nukes pointed at the U.S.

Bill Clinton the Schlickmeister ensured that they could hit their targets.

Bill is nice like that!

Bill also really, really like all that Chinese money!