Thursday, October 4, 2018

China’s Leading Hawk Condemns U.S. Trump For 'Outdated And Stupid Imperialist Thinking'

South China Morning Post: Chinese military strategist who inspired Steve Bannon attacks Donald Trump’s ‘outdated imperialist thinking’

The US ‘is declining because they have many problems, all of which were created by themselves’, says Unrestricted Warfare co-author Qiao Liang.

A Chinese military strategist who co-wrote a book that inspired former White House political adviser Steve Bannon to conclude China was waging an economic war against the United States criticised the “outdated and stupid imperialist thinking” that led US President Trump to launch the trade war.

Taking aim at Trump’s blaming of China for numerous US challenges, Qiao Liang, co-author of Unrestricted Warfare, said the US “is declining because they have so many problems, which were all created by themselves, but they put the blame on China … because they are still using outdated and stupid imperialist thinking to judge China”.

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WNU Editor: Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui's book "Unrestricted Warfare" is a must read. You can download the book from here (link here) .... and when you have read it you can then understand why Steve Bannon concluded that China was waging economic war against the United States. As to what is my take .... China has never wavered on what is its long term goals. They first want to be the regional super-power in Asia, and then ultimately one the critical superpowers in the world. They see the U.S. as the main threat, and the economy as their weakness. As for Qiao Liang, he is 100% right when he says that ....

.... U.S. is declining because they have so many problems, which were all created by themselves, but they put the blame on China … The US became a superpower because of its competitiveness and better systems, not by creating hurdles to drag down its competitors.


Daniel said...

Substantially correct, but note that America didn't NEED to create hurdles to drag down its competitors. They did that just fine on their own.

B.Poster said...

"They did that just fine on their own." Bingo!! Now they have to blame someone for their woes and that someone happens to be America. Of course some of America's boneheaded foreign policy moves make this easy for them to do. As a former coach I once had would have called some of our foreign policy decisions, "unforced errors."

Mike Feldhake said...

I do not believe this. What problems are we talking about? We had bigger problems years ago we just did not have the exposure, now because of tech we can instantly share all our problems and communicate about them. We will need to understand the price of our freedom of speech; we just can't blurt out falsehoods and I think this will correct itself over time. For China, I have no idea what outdated policies they speak of. China is 'checked mated' with allies and partners all around.