Thursday, October 11, 2018

Cold War Agreements Are Disintegrating

Pavel Felgenhauer, RCD/Eurasia Daily Monitor: Agreements That Ended the Cold War Are Disintegrating

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) was probably the Alliance’s most important and secretive institution during the Cold War. Notably, it worked out NATO members’ joint strategy and tactics for using non-strategic nuclear weapons in a possible all-European war with the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. Such a confrontation seemed all too possible—and sometimes almost inevitable—during acute crisis situations that brought the Cold War opponents to the brink in 1949, 1956, 1962, 1973 and 1983. In the last of the aforementioned crises, tensions spiked as the United States deployed nuclear-tipped land-based cruise missiles as well as medium-range Pershing II ballistic missiles on the territory of several European NATO allies to counter the threat of the deployment of hundreds of Soviet SS-20 nuclear intermediary missiles known in Russia as Pioneer. The Soviets produced over 800 Pioneer missiles, and each carried a heavier payload than the Pershing IIs; but their U.S. counterparts were stealthier and much more accurate.

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WNU Editor: I doubt that we will enter into a new nuclear arms race as in the Cold War. But the current trend lines are troubling.


Mike Feldhake said...

NATO can still exist but Russia is not the threat is was anymore. Russia can't afford an Arms Race either; this is why the USSR failed in the end during the Reagan years, so very unlikely.

Anonymous said...

Well, Russians are quite smart and tough fighters. And they spend their money more wisely than the US... so they're always a formidable enemy ..but yeah if they were crazy enough to attack,NATO would likely crush them - by numbers - ten times over. But no point as we'd all be dead in that case. No more vodka, no more burgers

jimbrown said...

Trump needs to follow his gut and have a summit with Putin.

This BS is the result of HRC's failed run for office and out of control Russia Trimp collusion disinformation campaign.

This is moving into dangerous territory.

Expose and punish HRC so we can move on.

Amp1776 said...

Get out of NATO. Tired of paying for it, an unless global conquest is our goal we dont need it.