Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Does Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Support A Law Where ISIS Fighters Will Only Spend A Maximum Of Six Months In Jail?


Brian Lilley: Trudeau wants terrorism offences reduced to maximum six months of jail time

Today is October 22, the four year anniversary of the terrorist attack on Parliament Hill.

On the morning of October 22, 2014, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shot and killed Cpl Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial before storming Centre Block.

As he ran down the central corridor firing bullets from his rifle, then Prime Minister Stephen Harper was meeting with his caucus on one side while Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair was meeting his NDP caucus on the other side.

Any one of the MPs stepping out of the caucus room at the wrong time could have been killed by one of those bullets. I was on the Hill minutes after the bullets flew and I was at the National War Memorial shortly after that.

Read more ....

Update: Feds back Tory call for plan to deal with Canadians who have joined ISIS (CTV).

WNU Editor: Six months?!?!?! I hope the above report/commentary is wrong.

Update #2: The newly elected Conservative provincial government in Ontario wants to hurt convicted terrorists in their pocket book by denying them welfare .... Ontario PC bill to permanently remove benefits from convicted ISIS fighters ‘unconstitutional’, say experts (Global News).


Bob Huntley said...

Trudeau is a wannabe good guy, an idiot who got his party elected on the promise of legalizing MJ. I hope that for the next election he gets dumped and everyone I talk to at this point feels the same.

Roger Smith said...

I don't understand why a government would allow these monsters back into their country. They were jubilant when winning but now it's no fun.
Ya made your bed, clown. Now sleep in it.