Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Here Are The Current 2018 Members Who Sit On The U.N. Human Rights Council

WNU Editor: Here is the list:

•DR Congo
•Saudi Arabia
•United Arab Emirates

Someone has a sick sense of humor.


Roger Smith said...

Another fraud. UN style. Git some DJT. Git some.

anon said...

Wow. It really is a topsy turvy world.

Anonymous said...

And this is why the UNHRC is a joke...

Anonymous said...

"Git some DJT. Git some..." Are you a 12 year old?

Anonymous said...

This is why Nikki Haley resigned? Endless hypocrisy at the UN? Can only take so much?

Anon #87 said...

Nikki Haley said a long time ago that she was only doing two years in hell.

Good for her, it kept her focused on maximum effort while she was there.


As far as this list goes, it shows how terminally sick the UN has become.