Friday, October 12, 2018

Here Is What Is Necessary To Stay Out Of A War With China

U.S. President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping chat as they walk along the front patio of the Mar-a-Lago estate after a bilateral meeting in Palm Beach, Florida, April 7, 2017.

James Stavridis, Time: The Trump Administration Has Escalated Its Conflict with China Even Further. Here’s What Needs to Happen to Stay Out of War

Those preoccupied last week with concerns over the effect Justice Brett Kavanaugh would have on the Supreme Court for decades were actually, it turns out, being too near-sighted — as the Trump Administration made a move that could significantly affect an international relationship that will last centuries. In a little-noticed pivot, the Administration set up China as the major geopolitical opponent of the United States in no uncertain terms, led by a speech from Vice President Mike Pence. This change in position — not to be confused with the far more benign “Pacific Pivot” of the Obama Administration — has set off alarm bells ringing from Tokyo to Melbourne.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: James Stavridis blames President Trump for escalating this conflict with China. My take is different. To begin, President Trump had to react to China's unfair trade policies/barriers/ and strategies. Failure to do so would have brought a lot of economic pain to a lot of Americans. President Trump also had to respond to China's territorial claims and threats of using force against U.S. allies. Failure to do so would have undermined U.S. interests in Asia for decades, and would have only embolden China to be more assertive. And while I know that the consensus among foreign policy experts in the West is that China is on the rise .... I am one who does not hold that point of view. China has very few real friends in the world, and in Asia even less so. China is also a country with deep political/cultural/and ethnic differences. Its economy is also very fragile, with debt and central control limiting its growth. The authoritarianism of China's President Xi Jinping is also not helpful. No one wants to live in an environment of fear and apprehension .... the Chinese included. And in regards to the U.S.. I personally do not believe there will be a war between China and the U.S.. China has too many internal problems that limits its capabilities against the U.S., and they know it.  My main fear is China threatening a country like Taiwan or asserting its territorial claims against India. It is in these situations that a war may break-out, and it will have nothing to do with President Trump or the U.S. itself.


Anonymous said...

I think China jumped 10-15 years too early. At present they are no match to the US military. They should have focused on building their economy and kept their military aspirations on the down low. However the cat is now out of the bag and the US will smash their economy to ensure the Chinese military is starved of funds.

Bob Huntley said...

Editor. "China has very few real friends in the world"

My overall impression is that while over the past few decades China has made friends and while the level of intensity may be minimal, and partially offset by the feelings of immediate neighbors, in the same period the US has not only made enemies where the level of intensity is significant but Trump's appearance on the world stage has negatively impacted those friendships.

Bob Huntley said...


Sorry "those friendships" should read "its friendships"

Anonymous said...

The mendacious Bob Huntley never loses a chances to kick the U.S. NEVER.

In this case Bob uses the compare and contrast method.

”I retired from banking after 32 years. “ - Bob Huntley

October 21, 2015 at 1:11 PM

“By the way I spent my life working as a machinist in an elevator factory. Imagine this if you can…” - Bob Huntley

September 23, 2018 at 12:43 PM

Bob Huntley said...


You know the BS that is out there about the football players taking a knee and thereby disrespecting the flag? I'm sure you are aware of that. Well think about the rules for respecting the flag and you will understand why it is BS.

When they have one of those choreographed displays were that huge flag is unfurrowed parallel to the ground, that is celebrated disrespect. Keep in mind that half the people in the stadium see the flag upside down. The ultimate disrespect.

My intention wasn't to kick the US but to raise a valid point relative to the Editor's comment. But I do understand your defeatist attitude towards the USA given that its antics and history do make it so very kickable.

By the way you missed the bit about when I was a vet. I wasn't lying, I was emulating. Now try and figure that one out if you can.

someone said...

How to avoid war with China?Simple luck lots of luck.

Anonymous said...


Try not to use big words. Your Latin is no better than your English, liar.

The flag is a placeholder. It represent the group as a whole.

By and large as a group of its size the US has done much better than similar group (China, Russia, Brasil, etc)in most any aggregate of ordinal rankings that mean anything good.

I am sure people like you Anna Ayers, Patty Hearst, and other misfits think of the flag as upside down. You can think of it no other way and still have a purpose in your life.

You should get out more and quit huffing H2S.

Bob Huntley said...

In the absence of an intelligent response you resort to insult and disinformation.

Make excuses if you will but they glory in the disrespecting of the flag at football games and condemn players, black players and that alone tells you something, who take a knee that is somewhat two faced. If you were an intelligent, honest person you would speak out against it.

I pity you. It must be embarrassing to live in a country that is so disrespectful of human rights internationally, and at home, and have to come up time and again with nothing sensible in response trying to justify criminal actions on a world wide scale when there is no defense. Poor you.

I can see now why you post anonymously. Shame can be a terrible thing, eh?

Anonymous said...

You use the word emulate in manner that most people would use empathy.

Ignorance or just another hack Leftist try at debasing the language.

Senator Kamala Harris was emulating when she said she remember the racism in Berkeley California when she wen to school there before college.

Problem is that when Kamala went to school it was in Montreal Quebec.

But hey shy was emulating much as you do.

You call it emulating; Everyone else calls it a lie.

So Bob was a bankster, a mechanic and a candlestick maker.

Or maybe Bob was a soldier sailor tinker spy.

You truly are a moron, Bob.

Anonymous said...

" It must be embarrassing to live in a country that is so disrespectful of human rights internationally, and at home"

I married a person from a communist country, who would much rather live in the good ole USA than in a communist country.

I know the truth dumbass.

Bob Huntley said...


You haven't figured out what emulate means and how it might have been used in my comment have you? I think I'm going to put that in my column in the New York times. You might like to pick up a copy on Tuesday. Does that help you at all?

As for your wife rather living in the US then the communist country she came from I would agree completely with that. In fact it is probably a bit safer living in the US than in one of the countries your government bombs, or is about to bomb, but only a bit because nobody including Trump has a clue what Trump might do next.

Anonymous said...

Obama broke Libya.

Trump has start no new war.

All the twittering mob of liberals was convinced before the election that he would. It has been almost 2 years and no knew war.

When your predictions are always off the mark, your intellect is suspect.

Anonymous said...


If that really is you and not some troll. I did not 'call' Bob a name. I properly addressed him as a liar.

He lied and I linked to his lies.

You are upset that I am calling a fellow liberal onto the carpet for being an Anti-American POS.

Bob Huntley said...


You looked it up and still missed the point. I have heard some people are only able to think in one dimension. Here just for you:

[verb em-yuh-leyt; adjective em-yuh-lit]
See more synonyms for emulate on
verb (used with object), em·u·lat·ed, em·u·lat·ing.

to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass: to emulate one's father as a concert violinist.

to rival with some degree of success: Some smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings.


to imitate (a particular computer system) by using a software system, often including a microprogram or another computer that enables it to do the same work, run the same programs, etc., as the first.
to replace (software) with hardware to perform the same task.

My comments have nothing to do with computers. So I am trying to emulate someone, someone who is a real liar, although it would be really hard, almost impossible to equal or exceed that idiot? Someone said that guy instead of wearing a Fitbit to encourage him to exercise wears a Liebit to help him up his pace of five lies per day.

Now can you figure out who? Hell I thought by now with all my lies you would be accusing me of being him. Also don't forget to get your Times on Tuesday or you will miss the reference to you.

Anonymous said...

You said you worked in the banking industry. Then you said you were a mechanic.

There is not much emulation going on there. Either you are or you are not.

What everyone here, but you is clear on is that you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

I would argue we have been at war with China for years without knowing it.
China is despising and fighting everything the west stands for.

China rejects and tries to undermine democracy

China steals our IP and has done so for decades, amassing trillions in intellectual goods. WW2 didn't cost more than 2 trillion. Think about the cost China inflicted on its. Think about the security cost too. They steal a lot of military tech.

China is already imprisoning and torturing people they suspect of being a political enemy, including westerners. Just Google for sleep deprivation halls

China is stealing territory important to world trade (the south China Sea, which we should rename asap in all our books). And that territory is so vast and rich in resources too that estimates for the oil and gas fields range from 3-5 trillion.

Stealing 100 euros is one thing.
Stealing 10,000,000,000,000 is war.

Bob Huntley said...


Yes China may be stealing technology but for crying out loud, how many countries in the world could piss and moan about the US stealing their resources. The whole trade thing with China was to enable the US corporations to steal the cheap human resource in China and sell the products for absolutely huge profits in America and that to the detriment of Americans in general through job loss.

I can understand the concept of America, love it or leave it, but at least have the common sense to see the whole picture and maybe then you will understand how things reached the current state of affairs. The US is no victim here and neither is China.

Anonymous said...

"how many countries in the world could piss and moan about the US stealing their resources" - Bob known liar.

You do not know much about trade Bob. Take Brasil. There were so many Yankees there that they had a little Americana. That was decades ago.Now you would finds no more than two per multinational if that.

So where is this rapine, theft, and desolation?

I met a Brasilian who was on rotation from Brasil to the American HQ of a multinational. that is one of the ways I know. It is almost like a student exchange program. Two American could be sent to Brasil and two Brasilians could be sent to America.

Often the Brasilians never go back.

Lets look at ownership, Bob! Any subsidiary in Brasil has to be 51% owned by Brasilian stockholders. It is really hard to see the rapine in that.

the Brasilians modeled their commercial law in part after that of Japan. Any foreign subsidiaries in Japan are , you guessed it (well if you are not Bob, you guessed correctly) 51% owned by Japanese citizens or concerns.

Aramco use to be owned in large part by Americans. That changed. The Saudis own it in toto. There was not coup , sanction or anything else.

Instead the US concern that had invested in Aramco got tax breaks for voluntarily giving up its ownership shares in Aramco.

Still not seeing rapine BOB!

Maybe it is because you are a GOD Damned liar.

And pretty dumb for being a banker or mechanical or whatever you say you are emulating today.

Bob Huntley said...


Purposely obtuse and willfully ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Honest, accurate and factual.

You could not point anything out and say it was false.

Anonymous said...

BTW when are you going to marry your GF and get her off public assistance?

Bob Huntley said...

Your whole response was avoidance of what I said. Perhaps you should seek some help before you are blindly led into some deathly war. Also keep in mind, at this point many Americans are looking to move to Canada.

Actually along with a lot of Canadians, even I am on what you call public assistance. In this province, depending on annual income you get supplements to assist with the cost of heating as well as a rebate of some sales taxes. I'm over 70 and am fully covered for healthcare including prescriptions. I have three kids whose births cost ZIP. Similarly my by-pass was covered and didn't cost me a dime although I did refund my brother $150 for the cost of parking when he visited me.

As for my girlfriend(s) I have two and since I am married, as in separated for about 27 years, I am unable to marry. The one that gets supplements has a very close knit family and it is unlikely we will ever marry. The other is quite wealthy and there is no way I would live with her in her home.

My financial position might improve albeit very slightly, when I am no longer supporting the WNU Editor.

I had to put one thing in this post that is a lie or I would fall too far behind the liar in chief. Guess what was the lie?

Anonymous said...

What a loathsome story about you, a man with no ambition, little skill, big appetites, and a big mouth.

IF people will not move to Minneapolis because of the snow or to North Dakota because of the winter they are not going to move to Canada.

They certainly are not going to decamp St. Paul to live in Mississsauga. But you would not know that since you are on a fixed income having not worked that hard your whole life.

You are beyond pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"Even I am on what you call public assistance"

"In my business I have fired better people than you"

Given your previous lies, mechanic or banking industry (take your pick or was it which way the wind was blowing), the two above statements are incongruous enough to be suspect.

Your real name is not Howard Prescott is it?

Bob Huntley said...

Finally we are getting somewhere in your recovery, and there is a sign you are getting better.

Yes, you are correct, I am not Howard Prescott.

Bob Huntley said...

"incongruous" congratulations on using a big word however wrong your attempt to discredit my comment may have been.

Do you really think that bankers do not fire people that work for them?

From what I see of you, you know your inability provide coherent and meaningful comments in your posts, you wouldn't even survive the first day as a Chicken Sexer.

The first time your boss checked to see how you were doing you would comment on something not only irrelevant but disillusion, argumentative and swoosh you'd be out the door.

Anonymous said...

Last week you were a mechanic. Now you are back to being a banker.


Now genius, how do you explain a banker on public assistance?

Bob Huntley said...


Why don't you ask the Editor how he can accept being the beneficiary of some of that "public assistance" at the expense of a poor retired banker who you believe is on public assistance.

Anonymous said...

Bob Huntely ... forever lying, evasive and complaining.

The ultimate lib.

Bob Huntley said...


So you haven't discussed it with the editor yet.

Not a lie but if it was it would just be another step in my emulation of your boss. However, I know I cannot overtake his propensity for lying.

I must say however that you are a bit slow on the uptake.