Thursday, October 4, 2018

Heritage Foundation: U.S. Military Hard-Pressed To Fight Two Major Wars At Once

Washington Examiner: America’s ‘marginal’ military hard-pressed to fight two major wars at once, Trump’s favorite think tank says

HERITAGE’S ANNUAL MILITARY INDEX: Despite the Trump administration's vaunted military build-up, the Pentagon is not ready to meet a key benchmark: Being able to fight and win two major wars simultaneously. That was among the bottom lines in the Heritage Foundation’s 2019 Index of U.S. Military Strength. The voluminous annual report by President Trump’s favorite think tank is being released at 9 a.m. today during an event with Sen. Joni Ernst, a Senate Armed Services subcommittee chairwoman, and a roster of experts. The think tank’s reports are worth watching as Trump has closely followed many of its previous recommendations on force size.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Heritage Foundation report is here .... U.S. Military Strength (Heritage Foundation).


fred said...

the old adage (I think Sioux)
if you can not fight two major wars at same time, then fight one at a time. Or none

Anonymous said...

" fred lapides said...


October 4, 2018 at 10:17 AM
Well Lapides, why are you still posting?

B.Poster said...

The old adage is sound advice. Given the wide array of issues America faces. to realistically expect to fight one major war with a major power and to be successful seems to me to be sort of like a 5"10' 350 pound fat man expecting to be able run a marathon next week. It's simply not going to happen and for the fat man to attempt this assuming he isn't laughed off of the starting line would be extraordinarily foolish and would place his live in even more danger than it is already in. In the case of a country, such courses of action are dangerous to the citizens of said country as they endanger their lives and economic well being in ways that are not prudent.

With this said, the fat man may be able to run a marathon at some point. It will take a high degree of discipline and a training regime that he will need to build up to and he will need to stick with it. Now this does assume that there are not underlying health issues. After all such people are at risk of heart attack and stroke. It'd be best for them to get checked out by a licensed physician before beginning the training program. Also, a consult with dietician trained in health matters would be advisable as well for such a person. The person like a country finds themselves in this position generally because of a myriad of poor decision making stretching back a very long time. As such, this person may have done permanent damage and may never be able to expect to run a marathon. In which case, they will need to readjust their goals to things that are realistically attainable.

This may well be the case with America. We may never be able to compete with major global powers ever again. After all treating our wounded warriors is going to cost, at a minimum, hundreds of billions and is going be a decades long commitment. Also, there is an aging "baby boomer" population who needs certain services and major infrastructure projects that need to be done.

I've discussed at length the three major threats to America elsewhere on this site. They are in order of most dangerous: 1.)all out nuclear attack by Russia, 2.) an invasion of the US mainland by Russia, China, both of them, or both of them and some combination of their allies. At present, I do not have time to discuss this at length and I have discussed it numerous times elsewhere on this site.

In this context, there are two things that need to happen asap. 1.)Cold War 2, we need to end it. 2.)We need to renegotiate our trade arrangements with China. The current arrangement is not sustainable for us. With this in mind we need to ask ourselves with regards to any given policy does it help us or hinder us in achieving these objectives.

Anonymous said...

Big Effing Whup!

Who gives a damn!

The US could not fight to major wars in WW2. Their policy was not to fight 2 major wars. They concentrated on Germany first.

Without a smart phone, tablet or PC most people could not answer basic facts about the campaign in South East Asia. They do not know the:

Battles, or

Burma is interesting because the tanks and airplanes used were almost anachronistic.

We eventually fought two major wars, but the one in the Pacific was run on a shoe string at first.

Maybe we can't fight two wars until we start rationing.

Democrats won;t let us ration because ... poor people.

But 1/4 states have record low unemployment.

So maybe Democrats will run out of poor people to care for ... err to round up, corral and exploit.

But Democrats are very devious, slippery devils.

They are very resourceful. Why I saw an article on how bad ICE detention facilities were. Seems as though King Democrat is looking for new cattle, I mean, serfs. The complaint were that there was a large incidence of caries.

Can you imagine just how awful that is and just how utterly wretched America is? People come to America with caries. It is America's fault these illegal border crossers have caries!

That is cavities to you in Rio Linda.

"Nazi Dentist From 'Marathon Man' Would Be Step Up From Conditions In Private ICE Prison"

"Abolish ICE. ... that although the center's two dentists identified cavities and placed detainees on a waitlist for fillings, no detainees have received fillings in" - Wonkette

Wonkjette is a leftwing rag of a e-newspaper. It shows how your average Democrat suffers from mass hysteria and other mental diseases.

Anonymous said...

So apart from Dimocrats importing new illiterate poor people from across the globe, we might be able to have everyone off of welfare or nearly everyone.

Then Democrats could not complain if we started properly fighting 2 major wars.

Anon #87 said...

For the US to get in a two front war would require getting attacked by nukes by at least one of the belligerents.

The nuke strike would eliminate most of the big US cities, and most of the Democrat's voters.
And the US nuclear counter-strike against the nation that nuked the US would eliminate the second front.....

I have yet to read a believable scenario where the major powers get into a long term conventional war.
Every actual study and war game done by professionals in any of the big UNSC 5 nations goes nuclear within hours of the initial fighting.