Monday, October 15, 2018

Hillary Clinton: Bill Clinton Should "Absolutely Not" Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Scandal. She Was An Adult

CBS: Hillary Clinton: Bill should "absolutely not" have resigned over Lewinsky scandal

Hillary Clinton says that her husband was right not to resign from the presidency in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, she told CBS' "Sunday Morning." As first lady, she stood by his side as President Bill Clinton was impeached after lying about his affair with Lewinsky, a White House intern.

The former secretary of state said she disagrees with those who now say he should have stepped down.

"In retrospect, do you think Bill should've resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal?" correspondent Tony Dokoupil asked.

"Absolutely not," Clinton said.

"It wasn't an abuse of power?"

"No. No."

Read more ....

WNU editor: I have to give credit where credit is due. She definitely has not lost her touch on how to get herself in the news cycle. But this is the wrong message that she should be pushing.

More News On Hillary Clinton's Remarks That Bill Clinton Should "Absolutely Not" Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Scandal

Hillary Clinton on if Bill should’ve resigned over Lewinsky scandal: ‘Absolutely not’ -- The Hill
'She was an adult at the time:' Hillary Clinton says her husband's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, 22, was NOT an abuse of power and he was right not to resign -- Daily Mail
Hillary Clinton: #MeToo doesn't apply to Bill, Lewinsky was 'adult' -- Washington Times
Hillary Clinton says husband's affair was not an abuse of power -- FOX News
Hillary Clinton: My husband's relationship with Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power -- Business Insider


Anonymous said...

#believewomen #metoo

I kid, I kid.

fazman said...

A scandal nonetheless, not to mention "l never had sexual relationship with Monica"
Whatever she's smoking l want some.

Anonymous said...

A) adultery / cheating
B) sex in the oval office, a sacred place
C) while at work/ on duty
D) lying under oath about it and misleading the nation for months
E) intimidation of Lewinski and other women

Imagine you or I would have sex at work ...of course you get fired.

The Clintons never got it and never will (well, they know what they've done and how they bullied all the women Bill was involved. .but it doesn't count when you're a Clinton. They're just better than you or I)

Anonymous said...

Oh and then they scream and shout to impeach Trump because he -talked- to some guy while his mic was on without a private Person and not being at work. But Trump of course is much evil person you cannot vote for unless you want to be labelled basket of deplorables by hillary.

When will the Clintons ever see the hypocrisy?

Roger Smith said...

There's too much $$$ for these two to acknowledge reality. Her actions behind the scenes must have been something else.
The serial soiler of the White House carpet. The President of America. And still people tut tut his and her behavior.

fred said...

Trump-allied pastor: Reagan was a womanizer too
Robert Jeffress says evangelicals knew Trump was “no altar boy.”

anon said...

The article was about Clinton Fred. Not Trump.

Amp1776 said...

He lied under oath as I recall it.