Tuesday, October 23, 2018

If Looks Could Kill - The Moment Jamal Khashoggi's Son Glared At The Saudi Royal Blamed For The Death Of His Father

This is the moment Jamal Khashoggi's son glared at the Saudi royal blamed for the death of his father. Salah bin Jamal Khashoggi was pictured shaking hands with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the powerful heir to Saudi Arabia's throne, in Riyadh during a meeting also attended by King Salman

Daily Mail: Death stare: Khashoggi's son glares at Saudi Crown Prince blamed for death of his father as they meet in Riyadh - amid claims writer's 'disfigured face' has been found and Erdogan declares murder WAS planned

* Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed after entering Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul on October 2
* Turkish President Erdogan said there was strong evidence the killing was 'planned' in advance
* Erdogan said in parliament on Tuesday a team of Saudi officials had disabled CCTV in the consulate building
* He called Khashoggi's death 'a political murder' and demanded to know 'who gave orders'
* Report claims some of Khashoggi's remains have been found in the grounds of the Saudi consul general's home, close to the consulate building
* But in his speech, Erdogan had earlier said a corpse had not yet been located
* Pictures have emerged showing Khashoggi's son, Salah, meeting the Crown Prince today in Riyadh

Jamal Khashoggi's son has been pictured glaring at the Saudi royal blamed for the death of his father during a meeting in Riyadh.

Salah bin Jamal Khashoggi was seen in a stern handshake with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the powerful heir to Saudi Arabia's throne, at the city's Yamama Palace.

King Salman was also present as the royals 'offered their condolences' to grieving family members, who included Salah's brother Sahel. A friend of the Khashoggi family has told The Associated Press that Salah has been under a travel ban since last year.

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Update: Saudi king, crown prince meet Khashoggi family members: SPA (Reuters)

WNU Editor: There is bad blood here that is going to last forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erdogan is overplaying his hand. He's being too obvious. He certainly would kill an opponent or have them imprisoned for resistance to his rule.
The US won't allow distance in private between US-Saudi leadership. This story will soon be forgotten in the press of world events. As for the son, yeah I'm sure the tribal rivalries just went up a few notches.