Saturday, October 20, 2018

In A First, China And The E.U. Are To Launch A New Combined Military Exercise

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, center, with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker at right and European Council President Donald Tusk at left at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Monday, July 16, 2018.

The Diplomat: A First: China, EU Launch New Combined Military Exercise

The new development merits attention given its broader geopolitical significance.

For the first time, as announced on October 16, European Union military forces have completed a combined exercise with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). While European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) interactions with the PLAN in the Gulf of Aden are not entirely new, this exercise indicates an unprecedented level of coordination between European and Chinese naval forces. Set in the current geopolitical context, this new development merits attention for activity not only in the Gulf of Aden, but also in the Mediterranean Sea.

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WNU Editor: One million Uighurs in detention camps. Trade war with U.S.. China threatening all of its neighbors over borders. This is the wrong message to send to China right now.


Anonymous said...

Trump doesn't care much for Germany, the defacto head of the EU. Germany doesn't care much for Trump and Trump's America. So it seems Merkel and Trump are tearing down each others interests abroad. The US can do just fine with Germany as a neutral nation, can Germany do fine with the US neutral? Bad thinking in Berlin is going to cost Germany.

Anonymous said...

Great Britain government

"Up to three layers of elected local authorities (such as County, District and Parish Councils) exist throughout all parts of the United Kingdom,

Many other authorities and agencies also have statutory powers, generally subject to some central government supervision."

Then you have national government, so that makes a total of 4 layers.

Add the Euro-Trash governing structure and that gives you 5 layers of government.

Who can keep up with such rubbish?

At the same time a person has to keep up their credentials, work, socialize, take care of the hearth, kids, etc.

Given everything a person has to do a person cannot keep up without the scoundrels in government are doing.

If they can't keep up, then there is no consent.

If there is no consent, the government is illegal.

The French and German nations likely have as many layers of government.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Merkel will not willing resign.

She has to be forced out. She will not gracefully exit stage left like a British PM, but will have to be given her walking papers. The thinking is that her communist upbringing is stronger than her 'Christian' background.

She has absolutely ruined her party the CDU over immigration. She has done this over a period of 4 years. You would think a person would get smarter after a year or two, but she has persisted with party suicide.

Maybe the CDU might recover. Maybe it won't.

At any rate Merkel's actions show that she is a cold, mis-calculating person.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree. On top no one I know in Europe - and I am from there - is pro Chinese. What the f are our leaders doing? Oil pipeline with Russia. Protecting Iran's nuke deal. Now this? ????????? Are our leaders compromised? We need help. This is madness! !

Anonymous said...

Absolutely insane by EU to do this. Not in my name. How can I stop this? I'm EU citizen and 10000000000% against doing drills with China. What the *********is going on? Who authorised this? We Need to vote them out like yesterday. I've never been this mad