Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Inside Moscow And Beijing's Attempts To Influence U.S. Voters

Photo: Des Moines Register's China Watch paid content was cited by President Trump as Chinese interference. (Supplied)

ABC News Online: US mid-term elections: Inside Moscow and Beijing's attempts to influence voters

In the lobby of Sputnik, one of the foreign media outlets accused by US intelligence of being involved in Russian election interference efforts, a familiar Australian face is on the television.

It shows Sputnik's sister television channel Russia Today running an interview with veteran Australian journalist John Pilger.

Mr Pilger's widely discredited allegations shifting the blame for the Sergei Skripal poisoning from Russia to England make him popular on the station.

For US intelligence though, Russia Today and its radio and online outlet, Sputnik, are part of a broader interference campaign designed to undermine trust and promote division in the west.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media budgets and coverage costs during U.S. election cycles involves hundreds of millions (if not billions) in monies being spent. Both Russia and China still have a long way to go before they can influence U.S. elections. But they are trying .... just like everyone else.


fred said...

Out of curiosity: how do you know, ie with what evidence, that foreign nations trying to influence our elections "still have a long way to go"?

kidd said...

Only slaves vote you mind control foolish people

kidd said...

Do whatever you wilt you people dont you know how much yours souls are worth

kidd said...

Sad but true

Anonymous said...


It is an issue of resource commitment and efficiency. There is a lot more at stake and a much higher resource commitment from domestic political parties. So in order to have any effect at all the resource commitment of outside forces has to be wildly more efficient. But that would mean that they are a quantum leap ahead of us in understanding how to leverage how the average American person thinks and acts.

To put it bluntly Fred, if American political parties spend a billion dollars alone on TV advertisement to sway less than 1% of the American population, What chance does even a hundred-thousand dollars and a few Facebook or Newspaper advertisements have.

fred said...

Did you know that the Russians can help run US elections--legally?
[perhaps a time to stop putting down fred and pay a bit of attention to what he says]