Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Is China's Massive Missile Build-Up The Real Reason Why President Trump Decided To Exit The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty With Russia?

The mobile DF-26 is shown in a military parade in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region in 2017 celebrating the PLA's 90th birthday. CHINA DAILY

Japan Times: China’s missile buildup — a threat to U.S. bases in Japan — likely a key factor in Trump plan to exit INF

U.S. President Donald Trump has pinned much of the blame for Washington’s planned exit from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) on Russian violations of the landmark pact. But a closer look shows that China’s buildup of its missile forces — which pose a grave threat to U.S. military bases in Japan and elsewhere in the region — may also play a large part in any decision to abrogate the 31-year-old arms-control deal.

Trump on Sunday said the U.S. would scrap the 1987 treaty between Washington and Moscow, which bans all land-based missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 km (310 to 3,420 miles). The pact covers missiles, known as short- and intermediate-range, that can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads, but does not ban air- or sea-launched weapons.

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WNU Editor: When it comes to intermediate missiles, what Russia has done (and is doing) is not enough IMHO to raise U.S. concerns to a level that the treaty should end. It is what is happening in Asia that the real missile build-up is occurring. Not surprising, the Chinese have condemn this U.S. move to terminate the treaty .... China denounces U.S. withdrawal from nuclear treaty (UPI).


Anonymous said...

Wnu...common. .Just a few months ago Russia showcased proudly all kinds of doomsday devices. Hardly normal behaviour. Some of their nukes are even salted by design to inflict maximum longterm causality and longterm mutation and cancer among population. How you can defend Russia on this is really not cool

kidd said...

Vote 4 war in your own heads dubbed dillin dork in dill does

kidd said...
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