Monday, October 8, 2018

Japan Pulls Out Of South Korean Fleet Event Over Demands It Remove Its 'Rising Sun' Flag

Sailors fold the Japanese naval ensign after a flag lowering ceremony on the deck of Japanese helicopter carrier Kaga anchored near Jakarta Port ahead of its departure for naval drills in the Indian Ocean, Indonesia September 21, 2018. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

The Guardian: Japan pulls out of naval drills over demands it remove 'rising sun' flag

Host nation South Korea ordered Tokyo to drop ensign linked to colonial rule and militaristic past.

Japan has withdrawn from an international fleet review this week after rejecting demands that its warship take part without its “rising sun” flag ensign – regarded by many Koreans as a symbol of Japanese militarism and colonial rule.

South Korea – the host nation – had asked all 14 countries sending vessels to the five-day event, which begins on Thursday at a naval base on the island of Jeju, to ensure they display only their national flags and the flag of South Korea.

The rule – in effect a demand for Japan to remove the kyokujitsuki flag from a destroyer due to take part in the exercise – was introduced amid simmering bilateral disputes over Japan’s use of Korean sex slaves during the second world war and ownership of a group of islets called Takeshima in Japan and Dokdo in South Korea.

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More News On Japan Pulling Out Of The South Korean Fleet Event Over Demands It Remove Its 'Rising Sun' Flag

Japan to skip naval event after South Korea protests over 'Rising Sun' flag -- Reuters
Japan to skip South Korea fleet event over 'rising sun' flag -- FOX News
Japan withdraws from fleet review over flag spat with South Korea -- Navy Times
Japan Backs out of Korean Fleet Review Over Imperial Flag -- Chosun Ilbo
Japan opts out of naval event over flag row with S. Korea -- Korea Herald
Japan to skip international naval event amid 'Rising Sun' flag row -- Korea Times


Bob Huntley said...

Interesting how people who were once victimized never forget, nor should they.

Anonymous said...

Different people bro.

Less than 1% of those living in 1945 are living now.

Maybe some people like the North Korean system or the old European system. If your parents or grandparents do something, then you are guilty, too.

NASCAR driver loses major sponsor because his dad used the ‘n-word’ – decades ago

Oh wait, those people would be liberals.

Liberals apparently believe in sippenhaft just like Kim Jong Un.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

Sad thinking, Bob. They really should forget.

Most Koreans alive now didn't suffer anything under the Japanese, being born post '45. Almost no Japanese alive today have ever done anything to harm a Korean, let alone committed war crimes against them.

Your way, Bob, is endless hate.

Anonymous said...

Animosity can be a tool to whip out like a cudgel to beat people into submission.

My spouse was giving a ride to a Japanese student that they had met at the local community college. There was no animosity. I had bought a DVD on the 'Battle for China' at Walmart. One of my kids saw it and the kindergartner brought up during the ride. I heard about it.

My spouse said the older generation harboured bitterness, but not their generation.

Years later I brought home a small Japanese Rising Sun flag about the size of a index card. My spouse told me to ditch it or ditch them.

People bring up old conflicts up to gain psychological advantage in current social interactions.

Anonymous said...

South Korea is dead without Japanese support during a war. No Japanese bases, no American troops, ships or jets. Holding a grudge for 73 years is stupid and very childish when there are much hotter pots on the burner.

Bob Huntley said...

Yes and even in America regarding the Civil War.

Anonymous said...

That flag should be every bit more terrifying than the nazi flag, not sure why they got a brake on that one.

RussInSoCal said...

Some years ago a JMSDF DDG (173) flew the Rising Sun as it crossed the Arizona Memorial.
Wasn't kkeen on that at all.