Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 23, 2018

Mr Putin had said the demise of the treaty would force Russia to take steps to protect its security. (Reuters: Sputnik/Mikhail Klimentyev/Kremlin)

ABC News Online: Nuclear arms treaty: Russia threatens to develop intermediate missiles following US plan to quit pact

The Kremlin has said that Russia will be forced to respond in kind if the United States began developing new missiles after quitting a landmark Cold War-era treaty.

President Donald Trump said that Washington would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) because Russia was violating the pact, triggering a warning of retaliatory measures from Moscow.

The treaty, signed by former US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987, required the elimination of short-and-intermediate-range nuclear and conventional missiles by both countries.

Its demise would raise the possibility of a spiralling arms race.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 23, 2018

Russia says US is increasing nuclear weapons in military planning -- The National/AP

Russia pledges to restore nuclear 'balance' if US scraps treaty -- France 24

Trump's missile treaty pullout could escalate tension with China -- Reuters

China Will Not Tolerate Blackmail on Joining INF Treaty -- Sputnik

Chinese diplomat on looming INF exit: US beware, Beijing won’t tolerate blackmail -- TASS

Donald Trump: US will build up nuclear arsenal -- BBC

Pentagon: Trump, Mattis 'completely aligned' on Russia arms treaty withdrawal -- The Hill

US Navy sails two warships through Taiwan Strait -- The Hill

U.S. Carriers Are Operating in the Arctic Circle for the First Time in Decades -- Popular Mechanics

Here's How the US Air Force Hopes to Train 1,500 New Pilots a Year -- Military.com

The US military's top snipers just went head-to-head. Here's how it went down and the surprising results. -- Business Insider

Democrats armed with new plans for the military ahead of midterm elections -- Stars and Stripes

Warren wants probe into whether former U.S. soldiers worked as assassins for UAE -- The Hill

How Inflation Could Kill Modernization Of The U.S. Military -- Loren Thompson, Forbes

Space Force policy memo being drafted to establish new military branch -- Space News

Trump space force plan is grounded in real needs, but hazy -- AP

NATO to show military muscle in massive Norway exercises -- France 24

To combat Russian subs, NATO allies are teaming up to develop unmanned systems at sea -- Defense News

Serbia not striving to join NATO, says speaker -- TASS

Russian Defense chief calls Russian-US contacts on Syria ‘only positive example’ of cooperation -- TASS

British Royal Navy Chief Vows to Send Ships Through S. China Sea -- David Bond, FT

China's H-20 Stealth Bomber: Everything We Know About It -- National Interest

China Wants More Nuclear-Armed Submarines -- War Is Boring

South Korea ratifies Pyongyang Declaration, military agreement -- UPI

India Denies Reports of Discussion to Buy F-16 for CAATSA Waiver on S-400 Deal -- Sputnik

Attacker who assassinated 2 Afghan officials, wounded US general was ‘directed by the Taliban,’ US military says -- FOX News

Insider attack kills coalition soldier, 2 others in Afghanistan -- UPI

NATO Soldier Killed as Concern Rises Over Afghan Insider Attacks -- The New York Times

Assassins threaten multibillion-dollar US efforts to keep Afghan airmen flying -- Stars and Stripes

10 Items That Have a Surprising Military Past -- Popular Mechanics


kidd said...

The will of God's kids the will of God shame on you

Anonymous said...

Right now and extending back in time for at least 4 years, China has embarked on one of the biggest arms expansion in world history. Nearly all the missiles they are fielding are banned by the INF. The nuclear weapons program is kept in deep secrecy and they have refused for decades to come into the arms control process. They refuse to join Russia in a new INF renegotiation.

That is the problem, notwithstanding Russian violations that even the benighted Obama had to call out, they were that obvious. I seriously doubt the USA has any intention of fielding any new INF busting missiles in Europe due to the agit-prop we'd face. In the Pacific the USA can deploy mobile IRBM on hundreds of atolls and islands controlled by the US and possible jointly develop these missiles with Australia and Japan. This withdrawal is all about Beijing's obstinate view of arms control.

Roger Smith, second in command of the universe said...

Ahhhh. King Air-ah-gone, my profit. Ooooops. Prophet.. More words of divine and timeless wisdom from you, my radiance, for we, the great unbathed and directionless masses. Consuming Big Macs by the thousands a minute.
Might you find a few minutes to explain what your latest means?

My most humble thanks should you decide to do so.


Anonymous said...

Did you kneel while addressing his highness? For he shall not speak to a standing commoner