Monday, October 8, 2018

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 8, 2018

The Hill: Trump, China tensions spill into military sphere

President Trump’s tensions with Beijing are boiling over in the South China Sea.

A recent incident between a Chinese ship and a U.S. Navy destroyer startled military experts and even led Vice President Mike Pence to deliver a stern warning.

Tensions are already high between the U.S. and China over trade and claims from the White House that Beijing is trying to meddle ahead of the midterms to undermine Trump. Now the confrontations in the South China seas are becoming another worrying flashpoint.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 8, 2018

Japan military joins historic Philippine war games -- Straits Times/AFP

Major Israeli presence at world's largest military land exhibition -- Jerusalem Post

Iraq approved for purchase of armed Bell 407GX helicopters -- UPI

US clears armed helicopters for Iraq, surveillance aircraft for Canada -- Defense News

India's Army chief: India to purchase Russian defense systems despite US threats to slap sanctions -- TASS

Special Delivery: WATCH New Video of Russian S-300 Deployment in Syria -- Sputnik

Kalibr missiles destroy 'enemy' facilities during Caspian military drills -- TASS

Russia Sets Up Weapons Maintenance Database in Venezuela -- Sputnik

Panel: Military Tensions in Europe Continue to Run High Between NATO, Moscow -- USNI News

US admiral urges Russia to observe NATO exercise -- Military Times

Warsaw Hopes US to Decide in Spring 2019 on Setting Up Military Base in Poland -- Sputnik

The president must say no to ‘Fort Trump’ in Poland -- Willis Krumholz, Defense News

NATO Chief Stoltenberg: Cyber Attack By Russia "Can Trigger An Article 5 Response" -- EU Today

UK Uses Drones to Simulate Combat With Russia in Military Exercise - Reports -- Sputnik

Rates of post-trauma stress rise in British military veterans -- Reuters

Russian arms deal with India comes as Pentagon changing military priorities -- CNN

F-22s, F-35s to Fly Faster on Long-Distance Deployments to Reduce Fuel Consumption -- Air Force Magazine

B-2 stealth bomber completes first Hawaii deployment -- UPI

From Paladin upgrades to a 1,000-mile cannon, Army artillery aims high — er, farther -- Defense News

Raytheon, Saab announce new Carl-Gustaf munition for U.S. Army -- UPI

Next-Gen Combat Vehicle to Require Emerging Tech -- National Defense

Brig. Gen. Vereen: After missing recruiting goal, Army must adapt -- Fayetteville Observer

Boeing, Embraer reportedly in talks to bring KC-390 production to US -- Defense News

Lockheed Martin selects payload providers for next-generation missile warning satellites -- Space News

Air Force Designates Hypersonic Test Vehicle X-60A -- Signal

'This is nonsense': Pentagon swats down report that Trump may fire Air Force secretary -- Washington Examiner

US Air Force Warns West Coast Residents of Sonic Booms Overnight -- Sputnik

Has safety improved a year after Navy and Marine aviation crisis? -- Military Times

The U.S. State Department Has Its Own Sprawling Air Force, Here's What's In Its Inventory -- Warzone/Drive

White House warns of ‘domestic extinction’ of suppliers in industrial base report - and DoD is ready to help with cash -- Defense News

White House Report Warns 'All Facets' Of U.S. Defense Industrial Base Are At Risk -- Loren Thompson, Forbes