Saturday, October 6, 2018

My Thoughts On The Awarding Of The Nobel Peace Prize To Nadia Murad And Denis Mukwege

WNU editor: When I started this blog 11 years ago one of the first posts that I did was on the use of mass rape by Sri Lankan soldiers on Tamils during their civil war. Since then I have lost count on how many posts I have done covering conflicts where sexual crimes were committed on a massive scale. It was also during this time that I began to realize that these crimes should be viewed as a war crime, and punished as such. Today's awarding of the Nobel Prize to Nadia Murad, a 25-year-old from Iraq and Denis Mukwege, 63, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is a small but important step in making the world aware on how horrific these crimes are, and why they must be treated as war crimes. Kudos to the Nobel Committee for their decision on who should be awarded this year. It was one that I did not expect.


Anonymous said...

Good that people who were actually making the world better get recognition. We can all get behind a merit based price.

Anonymous said...

Rape is symptom, a byproduct.

Treat the disease.

Bob Huntley said...

There are those who will always believe women are spoils of war. Heck, even in the military around the world sexual violence towards female soldiers is widespread.

That seems strange given that women are trained fighters and often have access to weapons. It surprises me that there aren't a lot of cases of say, fragging wherever it happens and especially in the war zones.

Males soldiers raping other male soldiers without serious retaliation, now that is really bad.

Anonymous said...

”I retired from banking after 32 years. “ - Bob Huntley
October 21, 2015 at 1:11 PM

“By the way I spent my life working as a machinist in an elevator factory. Imagine this if you can…” - Bob Huntley

September 23, 2018 at 12:43 PM

I can imagine Bob is a liar.

And Bob is always anti-American.

So he is a counter link, Bob:

Sexual assault in the Canadian Forces

Anonymous said...

Berlin 1945. Russian forces committed rape on a ghastly scale. Rape is an age old spoil for conquerors.

Anonymous said...

Rape has been out of fashion since at Least the Age of Reason.

'The King' lays down the law or it is laid down by others and the King is no longer king.