Thursday, October 4, 2018

Pentagon: U.S. Military Too Dependent On China For Critical Supplies

US soldiers load an AGM-114 Hellfire missile on an AH-64E Apache helicopter in Kunduz, Afghanistan, May 31, 2017. US Army

Reuters: U.S. military comes to grips with over-reliance on Chinese imports

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Pentagon-led review ordered by President Donald Trump has identified hundreds of instances where the U.S. military depends on foreign countries, especially China, for critical materials, U.S. officials said.

The study is expected to be released in the coming weeks and aims to lessen the U.S. military’s reliance on foreign countries and strengthen U.S. industry.

Among the study’s conclusions will be a determination the United States is too dependent on foreign suppliers for a range of items including some micro-electronics, tiny components such as integrated circuits and transistors, the officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

These kinds of essential components are embedded in advanced electronics used in everything from satellites and cruise missiles to drones and cellphones.

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WNU Editor: This has been an ongoing problem for years .... US put China-made parts in F-35 fighter program (CNBC).


Just a carpenter. said...

I thought one of the first EO President Trump signed, ordered the Military to stop using Chinese "Chips"?

B.Poster said...

"....but I assume nothing will be done about it." Actually, I disagree. President Trump seems to be aware of the problem and appears to be trying to take steps to address it. Unfortunately his power is limited and with much of the US government arrayed against him and with whatever support he does have among US government officials appears tepid at best he is in a very difficult spot.

While I cannot know for certain how people will vote all around the country, from what I am observing I think it is more likely than not that Republicans will see huge gains in the House and the Senate in the mid terms and the incoming Republicans will be much more inline with the approaches of Trump. The apparent blatant attempt to destroy Judge Kavanaugh appears to have further repulsed "moderates" putting Republicans in an even better position heading into the elections.

I think I do recall something about an attempt by Trump to get the military to stop using Chinese "chips." Getting something as big as the US government to change course can take some time especially when the momentum is heading in the opposite direction but I am cautiously optimistic that we will get there, something will be done about this, and we will make the changes that need to be made in this area.