Saturday, October 6, 2018

PEW Research: Most Prefer U.S. As The World Leader

Axios: Allies sour on U.S. but fear China more

Many of America's closest allies tend to view China more favorably than the U.S. and have more confidence in Xi Jinping than Donald Trump, according to an annual survey from the Pew Research Center. But when asked whether the world would be better off with the U.S. or China as the leading global power, respondents overwhelmingly choose the U.S.

Why it matters: The U.S. is far less popular around the world than it was before Trump took office, and the decline has been particularly sharp in countries like the U.K., Germany and Canada. That stands to benefit America's rivals for global influence, but these numbers reveal widespread wariness of a China-led world.

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WNU Editor: The complete PEW survey is here .... Trump’s International Ratings Remain Low, Especially Among Key Allies (PEW Research).


Anonymous said...

Those numbers would look even worse for China if the poll would only take place among SE-E-Asia countries. Except north Korea there's little, if any support for China as a leader here

Anonymous said...

This poll suggests generally the closer a country is to Russia or China, the higher the people’s approcal of the USA.

Note Mexico.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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