Monday, October 8, 2018

President Trump And The Pentagon Want The U.S. Military Supply Chain To No Longer Be Dependent On International Sources

Zero Hedge: New Report Says Trump Wants Chinese Parts Out Of American Weapons

Top defense officials said last week that the Pentagon intends to invest in domestic manufacturing to reduce it over-reliance on Chinese and other foreign-made parts in American weapons.

The Pentagon's reliance on China is a major topic discussed in a new report about the overall status of the defense industrial base that President Trump is scheduled to release. Some other areas include "accelerating workforce development efforts to grow domestic science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and critical trade skills," said Defense One.

"This assessment recognizes the global nature of our supply chain and really addresses the need for strengthening alliances and partnerships so that we can jointly address industrial base risk," Ellon Lord, undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment, said Thursday evening during a press briefing at the Pentagon.

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WNU Editor: This is scary stuff. Historically speaking this is what countries do when they prepare for a major war.


Anonymous said...

Scarf stuff? I think scary stuff would be continued reliance on integrated circuits, motherboards, computer chips from China. That opens avenues to a China to create chaos in US command and control systems.

Anonymous said...

Trump wants a factory to build electronics in Wisconsin and all the Democrats can do is crap on the idea.

Democrats remind me of monkeys at the zoo flinging stuff.

FoxConn broke ground on Jun 28th.

Obama "How are you going to bring manufacturing jobs back?" was not available for comment.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will do their part at Foxconn and the US to have secure supply chain for electronics.

They will create labor unrest.

B.Poster said...

I would think "scary stuff" would be dependent upon foreign sources for military supplies or equipment. I would think "prudent stuff" would be to work towards not being dependent on foreign sources for things of this nature. I've recognized this problem for about 20 years. It's good to find have a POTUS who recognizes this problem and is trying to confront it. Unfortunately certain powerful forces within the US government are not only being unhelpful but appear to actually be trying to undermine the effort.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. It makes perfect sense, especially after the latest Chinese hacks

Roger Smith said...

Other than short term cost I see no reason to strengthen adversaries' economies on any scale.
I'm beginning to think with Trump we are now at war with China. Economic war. A war communism has never won.
We have rid ourselves of China's greatest ally; the prior occupant of the White House.

fred said...

I will not bother with the snark but simply want to note that in wartime, or close to it, a nation wants not to have to rely on distant sources for its needs.
Because of this Germany developed Dolphomine, named after Adolf Hitler, and, war over, it got renamed Methadone
Today, even in peacetime, we find that electronics a key to modern life and war and so yes we must be wary of where it comes from, with potentially embedded chips etc.
The Democrats, always the villain on these pages, did not insist that MAGA hats be made in China, but now, with Trump tariffs, their price has gone up. Blame Obama for that too

Anonymous said...

Liberals can build a supply chain in a year or two starting with a rest belt.

HA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Maybe they could if they were studying Production Planning and Control, Manufacturing engineering or something like that instead of studying the intersection of race, LGBT and sex and the whitey power establishment.

Some enterprising social science or English prof lifted the term 'intersection' from a high school geometry book, to beef up their racism arguments. Maybe we could update 1/2
century old book with the erudite term of intersection and it will chic again.

Title IX Complaint Filed Against Prof Who Called for ‘Miserable Deaths’ of White Senators

“all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps." - Christine Fair PhD

"[A]ny of her students that see this rant are going to feel threatened if they have opinions that differ from hers. ...

Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,"
- Christine Fair PhD

Georgetown prof: White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing 'deserve miserable deaths'

With Doctors like Christine Fair, the U.S. does not need enemies like Russia or China.

Why should parents pay for their kids' college education, when you have monster professors?

Why should kids want top go to college?

fred said...

let's close down all colleges! asap

fred said...


Anonymous said...

I could see a gaggle of professors poo poo student's complaints about a professor like Christine Fair. they would pressure the college Dean and the university president to take no action against a reprehensible professor such as Christine Fair.

They would turn around and tell the students to suck it up buttercup.

What I wrote could be read that I am against college or it could be read that prospective students should make a gut check as to whether they want to go to a particular college.

Liberals be they students or just one professor have taken some very good whacks are destroying colleges and universities. See Parkland community college and MSU at Columbia.

PS Fred, you do not know how OSHA came about. I fell sorry for you.

PS2 I see how who at all costs refuse to denounce Christine Ford. Liberal PhDs must stick together, right?

Adam said...

WNU Editor, I am reminded of a book I believe you have read or are currently reading; Ghost Fleet. I won't say much more in case of spoiling it for anyone else, but it discussed the Disastrous implications of having the Enemy's technology in your weapons systems in the event of war.

adam said...

Heck, China realizes this stuff too, hence their Made in China 2025 initiative.