Monday, October 8, 2018

President Trump Getting Ready To Shuffle Top Generals

CNN: Trump set to shuffle top generals

As President Donald Trump grapples with a number of huge foreign policy challenges over the coming months, he is going to have to make some key decisions on the generals who advise him and lead the US military.

Behind the scenes, the White House and Pentagon are looking for a new slate of senior officers to fill several key jobs with several senior military figures set to retire.

Defense Secretary James Mattis is playing a central role in making recommendations for nominations that will have to be confirmed by the Senate. No one knows how long Mattis will stay in his job or the names he is recommending. But the new crop of senior commanders could help shape military operations and policy for some years to come.

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. The Senate Democrats are not going to rubber stamp these nominations.


Anonymous said...

Before you advise and consent should the senators know something about the military.

Senator Blumenthal was confused as to whether he was flying a bomber or a transport plane.

He is not real good at reading maps either.

Anonymous said...

More like Senate Dumbocrats, AMIRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fred said...

Why would an opposition party be expected to rubber stamp something? that is not what they usually do unless the nation declares war and both parties agree.

Dave Goldstein said...

I was wondering when this was going to happen. Clinton and Obama friendly generals will be gone.

Anonymous said...

This is CNN
So it must be a bullshit made up story.

fred said...


Rodger Ramster said...

Thank you, Fred. Very nice.