Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Russian President Putin New Calendar Is Now Out

The SUN: Gun-toting action man Vladimir Putin cuddles a leopard and poses topless with a fish in his latest calendar

The Russian strongman has been snapped in an array of manly poses for the latest version of his cult calendar

VLADIMIR Putin’s hotly anticipated new calendar has hit the shelves in Russia and online.

The strongman leader can be seen in a raft of poses, several of them in his trademark topless style.

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WNU Editor: Groan.


Anonymous said...

Go to homepage. Not one mention - not a single one - of Trump's USMCA trade deal. Wtf
One mention of Trump trying to smear him with tax evasion claim. Good for you cnn. Keep going down the rating rabbit hole :))

fred said...

Dear anon
You may not know this, but most of us who go to CNN go to their TV channel, not to something called a homepage.
Now if you want to be honest, go to NY Times, where the story about tax evasion broke and of course you will find articles about USMCA, and in every other MSM

at the very least, try being honest
that said: here is in fact CNN with the trade deal