Thursday, October 25, 2018

Russian President Putin Warns That European Countries That Host U.S. Nuclear Missiles Will Be Targeted

Reuters: Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia would be forced to target any European countries that agreed to host U.S. nuclear missiles following Washington's withdrawal from a landmark Cold war-era arms control treaty.

Speaking at a news conference after holding talks with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Putin said he wanted to discuss what he called dangerous U.S. plans to leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with U.S. President Donald Trump.

The two leaders are expected to hold talks in Paris on Nov. 11.

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WNU Editor: This is a threat if I ever heard one, and not surprising the Europeans are keeping to themselves .... European NATO allies muted on nuclear treaty's demise (DW).


Anonymous said...

CNN headline: "Trump's attacks on the media have real-life consequences"

Yo freaking hypocrites!!

Maxine Waters called out for harassment of Republicans??

a Republican Congressman (Scalise) was shot by a leftwing nut just last year and almost died??? You barely reported on it!

the former Atorney General(ffs!) Holder called to kick Republicans and said this would be the new democratic party?

leftwing mobs roamed the streets of portland and forced traffic participants to go their way and threatened them with violence (even holding batons!!)???

leftwing mobs screamed and roamed the streets of washington, demanding to abandon the presumption of innocence and due process?


Clean your own house that you enable on a daily basis!

Oh, and CNN, where were you when one of your own talking heads (Donna Brazille) passed on town hall questions to your darling, Hillary Clinton? Sure, you fired here a few days later, but only after intense pressure -- she MANIPULATED the election process to disadvantage Bernie Sanders and promote her gf Hillary.


CNN - the inflammatory news brand of this country and now they call out Trump for his jokes

Anonymous said...

Fair points. I would also add that CNN didn't criticise when famous democratic people made jokes about decapitating (!) and shooting Trump. But that's the left. Complete and insane hypocrites, as you pointed out. But they run 24/7 with this now, blaming it all on Trump. Right.

Anonymous said...

Also what about that letter sent to a Republican candidate, threatening to murder his 7 children? Not a single second of reporting on CNN, MSNBC on this.

When Trump makes a joke about bodyslamming: OUTRAGE

When actual violence (shooting of Scalise) by a left wing radical happens: SILENCE

CNN. Go figure

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton called for an end to civility, until they are in power again. CNN anchors agreed and DEFENDED(!) her-- basically saying "we are the good guys and when we fight back it's ok".. if they say they are the good guys, they are implying republicans are the bad guys.. if there was any violence inciting rhetoric, it was 90% on the left. Sure, there was stuff Trump said, but most was joking about body slamming. It is correct to point out that Trump incited violent behaviour during his campaign, but not as president.. there was this joke he made about punching someone and paying the legal fees for it, but what the left forgets to tell you is that there were paid demonstrators in his crowd trying to incite violence. If someone were to do this at my rally, and I was not a politically smooth talker (which I am not), I probably would do the same. But fair is fair, Trump did sometimes - as a candidate and jokingly - make jokes about hitting people back. BUT the left is calling for shooting him, decapitating him. That is the outrageous double standard

Anonymous said...

When they go low, we plant bombs

The Umpire said...

Seems some here a bit upset and changing the tune from false flag to He it Me first mommy

Anonymous said...

Agree with what was said above. bomb jokes though. Leave that to the left who also joked about shooting and decapitating Trump. Oh and remember when Biden joked about punching Trump behind the school? Lefties found it do so funny.
Is Unpire that Fred idiot again? This guy smells his own farts I'm sure

Anonymous said...

Did u see the nytimes posts short story about trump assassination? It's cool though if they do all that because they're on the left, get it? If you're on the right you better shut up and obey. On the left everything is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Fred is suspiciously silent after the bomb scare? I think he's scared of being investigated. Maybe he's the guy and we see him and his extensive porn collection (smut website operator! ) on tv soon. . I'm sure he'll go on to spew cnn talking points while they parade him in handcuffs "trump is a putin puppet".."trump is a traitor".."republicans are evil" :))