Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The U.S. Main Stream Media's Changing Narrative On The Mueller Investigation Is Changing

Special Counsel Robert Mueller departs after briefing members of the U.S. Senate on his investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June 21, 2017. Joshua Roberts, Reuters.

Matthew Walther, The Week: How the Mueller fairy tale ends

Perhaps the best argument I have seen in favor of repealing President Trump's pointless tax cuts is the superabundance of disposable income American liberals apparently spend on things like Robert Mueller bobble-head dolls, "Mueller is Coming" and "It's Mueller time" T-shirts, Mueller "prayer" candles, and even children's books featuring a super-buff bare-chested but tie-wearing Mueller lookalike hero. Turning the affectless head of a special counsel investigation into some kind of badass comic-book character who is going to rescue America from the nefarious clutches of — I wish I were making this up — "President Ronald Plump" could not be more childish. Goodness knows how many adults really believe all this stuff.

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Darren Samuelsohn, Politico: Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment

And be forewarned that the special counsel’s findings may never be made public.

President Donald Trump's critics have spent the past 17 months anticipating what some expect will be among the most thrilling events of their lives: special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on Russian 2016 election interference.

They may be in for a disappointment.

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WNU Editor: Both commentators are clearly unhappy that there is a real possibility that the Mueller investigation will turn up nothing.I personally believe it is still too early to make such a claim, but it is clear that many on the left have already given up on the Mueller Counsel producing a report that will implicate President Trump with Russian collusion and obstruction.


Anonymous said...

Fred will be devastated. For 2 years cnn told him "breaking news" "manafort" "trump" "13 Russians indicted". Had he read and watched other news outlets or listened to me he'd have gotten a better/fuller picture. But such is the complacency and laziness of the parrot mind.

Wnu. What will happen is that there will be a report released, with enough meat on the bone for some Democrat outrage. Corrie booker, Pelosi and Schumer will all come out and call Trump a tyrant yadiyada and call for more investigations to keep their Base happy. You cannot be the one that wakes the parrot and tells him no food today. The show must go on. And they need something -anything- to counter Trump's achievements. Also keep in mind, Mueller was able to turn a few people by throwing them into jail and threatening to throw the key away. Such is the state of law and politics in the US. We all are to blame, but I blame parrots and outrage activists the most

Parrot said...

Don't worry about poor Fred I see no need for this silly posted article since we have been told Mueller report will be issued in but a few weeks. Then we can judge,Anon, and will put aside your childish remarks

Parrot said...

And then, Stalking Anon, we will see what there is to see. Ps: I go to many sources daily, both American and non-American, so no need to tell me or others what I rely on for my views. At the very least I HAVE VIEWS...ALL YOU HAVE IS VENOM TO SPILL

Anonymous said...

that's what I have been saying for two years, dear parrot. You were the one who two years ago wanted to form a lynch mob, to get rid of "traitor", "putin puppet", "tyrant" Trump. Good luck, dear porn smut website operator, holyman who tells us how to vote and how bad a person Trump is, small-brained parrot :)

Anonymous said...

You will sniff the last fart that the CNN crowd lets you sniff. And you will cherish it. That's all the left has left: foul gas.. oh and the victim-hood and racist cards, of course :)

Anonymous said...

But I am glad you have adopted the name I gave you. It's the first step in waking up. Realizing that you are a parrot hehe.. I still have hope for you... it's been only 2+ years.. I think in about 3-4 years even you will smell the coffee... Talk to you soon, dear parrot. Chirp chirp

fred said...

go forth, mamma's boy, and whine no more
comment when you have something to say and not when you soil your diapers

Anonymous said...

Ah common, stick with your name. Be proud of it, little parrot. You earned your name. CNN would be so proud of programming you that way. Chirp chirp.

PHRED said...

Why is Rudy Giuliani scheduled to speak alongside a sanctioned Russian official?


Roger Smith said...

Oh well. The millions kept some people off the streets.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, The Clinton Foundation received a $144M "donation" because HRC was instrumental in getting 20% of US uranium sold to a Russian firm via a sale of Canadian shares in the firm whose assets are the US uranium or refining capacity [I saw both explanations]. Or some such maneuvering with the above mentioned sum of $$$ going to the Clinton Foundation. No wheeling and dealing there even though the interested parties consisted of Russian nationals, HRC, and other suits if I recall correctly. Maybe Fred has the patience to find the story. It occurred during the 8 long years of the prior resident.
"Well, I wasn't authorized to look into HRC's dealings...just DJT's" said Mr. Mueller, in explanation for the equivalent of a political welfare check for another political cadaver with a checkered legal past. Talk about collusion ignored. I mean, one of the many that were behind this sale had to have said the words Donald, or Trump, or DJT during the negociations. Why didn't Mueller jump? Geeeze! Have Mueller refund his portion of the millions paid out. This should have been a performance based investigation. No ticky, no washy.
Anyway, that's my take on this monumental nothingburger.

Anonymous said...

Roger, great point. BUT.. don't tell a leftie that. they do not want to hear anything about it. Russia, Russia only goes one way. Despite the overwhelming evidence by now.

1. Trump said a year ago already that the FBI infiltrated his campaign. CNN (and Fred) laughed him off. We were told that this wasn't "spying". Right. Remember how they also told us what a mob is and isn't? They truly think we are stupid. They think of us as "old white racists". I'm neither old, nor a racist, and my degrees are certainly more worth than all of the CNN anchors degrees combined. But -they- are the elites, get it? HAHA

2. Clinton has deep ties to Russia, hired Fusion GPS who then baked up a fake dossier and used fake info to get FISA applications through. Abuse of power. Crickets on the left.

3. Hillary is the most entitled person I have ever witnessed. What has she accomplished? Name one thing. 30 years of public "service" - nothing. Remember when she claimed she was under "sniper fire" when landing somewhere? And then the picture showed up with a girl greeting her on the tarmac, all relaxed, NO sniper fire. Crickets on the left.

... ah why do I go on.. you know what I am talking about. The only guy who still is brain washed - and completely so - is Fred. Sometimes I wonder if he is even real. You cannot be that much of a hypocrite, run a smut website, suck up to pornstars and then go on to call us the "deplorables". You got to be kidding.

The hypocrisy. The mob mentality. The entitlement thinking. The election manipulation (town hall questions passed on to Hillary by Donna Brazile, back then a CNN talking head on CNN pay roll), the DNC/Wasserman Schultz scandal, the resistance movement. The Russia Russia hysteria, which is in itself completely racist and shows they have not learned from history. The false narrative on the border wall (YOU ARE A RACIST IF YOU WANT BORDERS)... Elisabeth Warren who used a fake Indian heritage claim to get into Harvard and advance her career... all this... and still they think there will be a blue wave.

No. I say No. I was a Democrat and until they change I will vote Republican, and proudly so. Because it is NOT about party, it is about country and values. And those people, including the little parrot, have lost their freaking mind. Who do they think they are? Who do they think WE are?


Anonymous said...

maybe the libs will finally decide to make good on their word, and move to canda.

Unfortunately Canda may be cracking down on immigration. Lol