Saturday, October 20, 2018

Top U.S. Marine Commanders: The Corps Is Not Ready To Fight China

Landing Craft Air Cushions prepare to land aboard the USNS John Glenn during a Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) exercise designed to train Marines and Sailors on arrival and assembly operation to ensure that the right equipment, supplies and tools get to the right people in a crisis response, humanitarian assistance or combat operation. (Lance Cpl. Roxanna Gonzalez/Marine Corps)

Marine Times: The Corps must change how it gets wartime gear to the fight, generals say

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Top Marine Corps leaders say that the current way the force keeps its wartime inventory positioned forward won’t work in a battle with China and needs major changes to remain relevant.

For nearly 40 years the Marine Corps has relied on the Maritime Prepositioning Force program to have a brigade’s worth of gear at the ready in key theaters. That program has been reconfigured over the years but essentially uses squadrons of densely packed commercial ships that hold everything from tanks to trucks to radios to spare parts.

But three generals who spoke at the annual National Defense Industrial Association Expeditionary Warfare Conference said the program at best needs changing at could need an entire overhaul.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Bottom line. You cannot fight a war if you cannot bring your equipment to it.


Anonymous said...

LOL. US lost in Vietnam and got its A@# kicked when China entered the Korean War.

America is in terminal decline, a tasty road apple to be gobbled up by the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

We ended up exactly where the Korean War began: at the 38th parallel, the dividing line..I was there when the Chinese came over the border. Fact: we did not get out butts kicked but under GenRidgeway worked our way back up...sorry to spoil your cup of venom

Mike Feldhake said...

I mean really?? He obviously does not know his history. After the initial shock of the Chinese entering Korea they petered out; once landings happened in Inchon, Chinese ran to the North.

But I am not sure the article above means much; you would first need to define how a war with China and where it would be faught to see the problem.

Bob Huntley said...

Vietnam/Korea same kinds of conflicts. Interfering in civil wars and a strong desire to stop the spread of communion.

Roger Smith said...

With the accuracy of modern weapons and range to go with that accuracy, an invasion that recalls those massive invasions of WWII would be detrimental to the success of that invasion.
We haven't the equipment anymore to engage in such actions, nor the shipping to do so. I don't think there has been any practice towards the assembling and coordinating of such an endeavor. I can't conceive of how such an endeavor would be anything but a disaster of lost equipment and personnel. We don't own the sea nor the skies anymore.
My thoughts. Any one else?

Roger Smith said...

Anon 10:29

I know the Chinese consume some unusual stuff....but road apples?
Better get your English together if you want to engage on this site.

By the way...was this a team effort, foreign troll?

Anonymous said...

"... and a strong desire to stop the spread of communion." Bob

Bob with his low reading comprehension and poor reasoning skills hasn't quite figured out that communism is bad and does not work.

Bob is also being dishonest by calling Korea a civil war.

The leader of North Korea actually asked fro permission to go south of the 38th parallel from Mao and Stalin,

The conflict escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces—supported by the Soviet Union and China—moved into the south on 25 June 1950.

The United Nations Security Council authorized the formation and dispatch of UN forces to Korea to repel what was recognized as a North Korean invasion.

Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force, ...

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, you might want to brush up on your history of the Korean War.

China intervened after the Incheon landings. All of us make mistakes from time to time. Even rubes.

Anonymous said...

Smith lives